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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thanksgiving: Day 5

Ok...prepare, I'm thankful for my left and right brain. Some people may not believe in this theory, but go with it for me today if you are one of these people. 
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Anyway, growing up, I was fortunate to have people in my life that embraced using both sides of my brain (see image above for characteristics).  Many of my current friends may not know this, but aAlong with my traditional studies, I participated in musical education.  I started with the piano and was later classically training in flute.  I also participated in choir for a few years.  I painted all throughout high school and college.  One of my works is currently hanging in my office at work.

Anyway, back to where I came up with this as something that I'm thankful for.  This fall, I'm taking a sewing class on Monday evenings.  I've always wanted to learn how to sew and I always thought that Grandmama would be the one to teach me.  But going off to college kind of set that goal aside.  When Grandmama died, I got her sewing machine and all the things to go with it.  Now that I'm officially done with school, I have some time to learn. 

During my lunch, I went downstairs to the Chemistry library to borrow the large table to spread out and work on my sewing class homework, cutting the pattern pieces on my fabric.  I had only cut a few pieces out during class (I have lots of pieces for my project) so I still had the majority to finish.  I laid out my fabric and the rest of my pattern pieces to find that it looked like I didn't get enough fabric!  I started to panic and then the two sides of my brain decided to work.  The left brain in me said there has got to be a way to lay out all of these pieces to have enough fabric.  The right brain in me figured out how to fold one of the pieces on the fold to give me just enough fabric to fit the rest of the pieces.  Thank goodness!  After about an hour and a half of laying out, pinning, and cutting, I finished my homework.  So, I thank my brain because without the logical and creative thinking, I would have been frustrated instead of productive. 

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