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Monday, August 27, 2007

My First Day as a Sophomore and New Mommy!

Hello all!

I just wanted to give a little update about my first day today. Today I went to Biology III, Organic Chemistry, and Humanities I. Biology III was pretty good. It seems like the professor is going to be funny, and I think I am going to learn a lot more interesting than that plant biology. Organic Chemistry was not as bad as I thought it would be. My professor seems a little tough, but I think if I just study everyday, I will be able to do well. I am not looking forward to my four hour lab tomorrow (and the rest of the year every Tuesday), but oh well. Lastly, Humanities was awesome! The professor was very personable and very enthused about the subject. I was planning on minoring in Humanities, and today just reaffirmed that that is what I want to do. I'm so excited about that class.

Today, I also started back at the student health clinic for my Academic Performance Scholarship job. It was...let's say...hectic. I got to meet and show around a new girl. It was just extremely busy. Let's just leave it at that.

Lastly, what some of you are probably wondering because of my post title, I have some new pets. Elizabeth and I got a beta fish. His name is Eugene and we have had breakfast with him every morning so far. He's really cool. Ryan and I got two black mollies, one dalmatian molly, and a japanese shrimp for our aquarium that we bought last year. Molly, Ted, Cruella, and Bubba Gump. This morning I got a surprising text from Ryan saying that he found three baby fish. As of right now, we have found a total of five baby fish! We think that one of the black mollies is the mom. We were very excited (except for the fact that we had to go and get another small fish bowl). I can't wait to watch them grow up! ;) Yea, so I am now a proud mom of our fish.

Well, that's all that I can think of right now, but I will blog sometime soon.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Start of Year Number Two

Hello all!

I am currently sitting in my dorm room thinking of things that I need to do. I moved in completely yesterday. My room mate, Elizabeth, moved in on Thursday. She is participating in some Preview activities right now, so I have the room to myself for a little bit.

I have been really excited about my room. I have all new furniture and new hard wood floors. My bathroom also have a new face to it. I love everything about it. Mom and Dad came up to ETSU with me to help me set up. Daddy put up the shelves, picture frames, and calendars. (This is quite funny now because I just now got the memo that I wasn't supposed to hang anything on the walls. Oh well. I guess that there will be a small fee withdran from my dorm deposit. I still like it a lot!) Mom helped me organize and unpack. We made a few trips to Walmart already. It's been really exciting. So far, I have my clothes organized, and my desk is somewhat organized. Elizabeth and I still have quite a bit of rearranging in our kitchen and pantry, but we have a whole year for that. ;)

Anyway, I start classes on Monday. It's going to be a pretty long day for me, as well as Elizabeth. I'm pretty excited though.

Well, I'm going to get back to organizing. I will upload pictures on Shutterfly sometime this week. ;)

Have a great week!

**FYI My school e-mail has changed a little bit. It is now! Just to let you know.