Wedding Countdown

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Finally I have gotten a chance to blog!  I have been thinking about blogging for quite a while.  Lately, I have been fairly busy with school and work, as usual, with an occasional "not feeling well" day.  Not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote and I will do a Resolution recap so you readers can check up on how I'm doing.  Anyway, there are only a couple of things that have been super exciting in my life. 

First, I was able to surprise my mom for her birthday at the end of January (Check out her blog post ---->)  Anyway, Christie and I had planned it all out that I would come home after work and meet Mom, Dad, and Christie at the Melting Pot in Nashville.  It was very funny because Mom was just chatting away with Christie as I walked down the stairs and stood in front of her for about 5 seconds before she realized it was me.  She was so happy!  It was great being able to come home to celebrate her birthday.  Mom was especially relieved to have an extra set of hands to help with the Mission of Hope booth the next day at church.  (If you don't know what the Mission of Hope is, you must ...I mean MUST...check out the Mission of Hope Website.  I made it so I'm a little proud of it!)  Anyway, later that evening we went to go see Shrek the Musical at TPAC.  It was absolutely amazing!  I think it was funnier than the movie.  I highly recommend seeing it if if comes to your area.  It was such a great weekend.  I wish I could have spent some more time at home.

The second exciting thing is that Christie, Ryan and myself are going on a cruise for Spring break!!!  :)  I'm very excited about this.  I must give a shout out to my mom for finding a great deal for us.  Christie and I had spent hours trying to figure out where we wanted to go and how to spend the week.  Naturally, when we looked at the cost of any of our ideas, it came to well over a grand for the 3 of us to go anywhere (not including food!).  But, Mom came to the rescue and found a great cruise at an unpublished rate.  I don't know how she does it.  She needs to teach me (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

The last exciting thing going on in my life, well at least I find exciting, is a research paper that I am writing for my management class.  I'm not going to quite disclose what it's about, but just know it involves the industry I'm currently working in.  My professor has been working with me already about my research and I have been more diligent at doing my research than I was in my undergraduate years.  My goal is to get published with this research paper.  (Who would have thought that I would ever say that!)  I do have my reasons for wanting to be published, but I have had a little inspiration from a friend who is heavily into research in his graduate studies in Psychology, Zack Barnes.  I've always admired him for his drive to do research in his field, and now I get to do a little of that as well.  :)

Ok...I guess its time for the New Years' Resolution Update:
1.)  Keep Up the Good Work on all of the successful 2010 Resolutions.  So far, I think I'm doing pretty well at these.  In my opinion the successful  resolutions have become habits, so hopefully I will continue to go on track with these.
2.)  Don't let too many things go to the back burner.  I have been pretty successful with completing all of my to do lists.  I am doing great and keeping up with the school work.  My house is clean, deep cleaned in most rooms!  I have even had 2 of my annual doctor's visits already.  Oh wait...come to think of it I still need to get that blood work done to complete that basic check-up.  Hold on let me put that on my calendar...
3.)  Become a healthier me.  This one has been a little hard the past couple of weeks.  I have to say it's been a while since I've worked out.  Hopefully I can jump back on track once some things settle down.  I also hope to go to that Weekend Warrior Yoga this Saturday.  I guess it depends on my work schedule.  Anyway, since that last time I did an update, I have lost 10 lbs.  I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks, so hopefully I have lost a little more since then.  I can say that I am fitting into the jeans that are a size smaller comfortably.  :)  I think I'm getting there.  My new doctor thinks so anyway.  Hopefully by the next time I can give you more of an update. 
4.)  Call my parents more and visit more often than holidays.  Well I went home at the end of January which is awesome!  I do get to talk to my parents more often than I did last semester.  I haven't been able to call Christie as often however, due to our crazy conflicting schedules.  Sometime I get to talk to her online, during class :/  We'll work on that...
5.)  Send Cards.  Ok.  Hopefully, Mr. Dave E. got his birthday card in the mail last month as well as my mom this past week.  I'm soooo excited about this!  My co-worker, Nate, and I are going to send out good-ole-fashioned Valentine's to our other co-workers.  I'm pretty excited about that.  Hopefully I can find some cool ones. 
6.)  Quit smoking.  Ha.  I love this one.  For those just tuning into my blog this week, I am not, nor have I ever, been a smoker.  However, one of my best friends and co-workers, Justin, quit on January 1.  He hasn't had a cigarette since!  I think I have been fairly supportive (you would have to ask him).  I can say that I am super proud that he has come this far!!!  I believe in a couple of weeks he steps down to a lower level on his patch.  Hopefully it's not too too difficult.  I'll be there though even if it is.
7.)  Go to church more often.  I cannot lie about church.  This has been difficult for me so far.  I've slacked a little on the devotional readings and really going to church when I went home was the last time I went.  I need a little bit of prayer for this one.  I can say I pray more...not that I ever stopped praying, but I have prayed more and not just when I need something.  Hopefully this can change...soon.
8.)  Go camping.  We will table this until at least April.
9.)  Finish my craft projects.  Well I did get a chance to knit a couple of rows about two weeks ago on a scarf that is way over due.  I would really have to micromanage in order to fit this in.  I may have to wait until Spring Break or the summertime before I can really work on this resolution.
10.)  Continue to blog about life.  Well readers, I think you are the judge of this.  :)

Well...that's about it so far.  Crazy busy life, but I can definitely say that I'm enjoying almost every aspect.  :)  Have a great week and hopefully I can blog again soon!

P.S.  Who tried my smoothie recipe?