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Friday, February 29, 2008

Spring Break

Hello everyone!
I know...I know...I'm a slacker. I'm not very good at keeping this thing updated. I've just so busy and then when I have down time, I just want to sleep. ;) Anyway, Since I haven't updated in like a month, I will recap. Hopefully it won't be too long.
School is going well. I'm making A's which is great! I actually am enjoying Chemistry for once in my life (did I really just say that?), as well as my Ethics and Humanities class. (By the way, if you have any ethics related topics that I could journal about, comment here :)) Genetics...what to say about Genetics. The teacher seems really nice, but I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT understand or listen to that woman for more than 30 seconds. I've stuck to reading the book. Other than that, I will register for the fall semester in a couple of weeks. I'm pretty excited.
Another exciting thing that has happened that I haven't mentioned is that I got a job! I am a Certified Nursing Assistant at Johnson City Medical Center in the Med/Surg department. I have worked 2 weekends so far, and I have a week or two left of orientation. I'm enjoying it. I'm learning a lot, not just about patients and such, but about the interactions between employees. It's really interesting. I can't wait to find out more. I got my first paycheck this week and I was so ecstatic! :) It's nice to be making some money now.
I bet a lot of you have been wondering about my knee since I'm working now. I'm managing it. I'm taking my medicine and icing and elevating my knees when needed. I'm just kinda sucking it up right now. I can't let it stop me from living my life. So, since I have this outlook on life (lol) I have been working out a little bit. Elizabeth and I try to go swimming or go to yoga at least once a week, it we aren't too busy. Recently, Ryan and I have attended a non-credit boxing class offered twice a week. Uncle Wayne, you'd been so proud of the both of us. :) It is actually a lot of fun. We are going to continue to go as long as other things don't conflict with it.
There are two extracurricular activities that I have become very involved with this semester. The first that is near and dear to my heart is Relay for Life. It is the American Cancer Society's annual fundraiser. I am a team captain for the Luntsford Hall Council & Friends Relay for Life team. I have a wonderful team. We have had several successful meeting. I would like to ask of all of you who are reading this, is if you can visit my team and/or personal Relay for Life page (you can find the links to the right of this post). If you would like, please make a donation to either myself or to one of my team members. Our goal as of right now is $1000. I'm very excited. We kicked off our first major fundraising event, the penny wars. So far, 2nd floor is winning. ;)
Another extracurricular activity that I am going to spend a lot of time with during the rest of my time here at ETSU is Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. Yes, I said fraternity. It is a co-ed fraternity built on leadership, scholarship, and fellowship. We are founding a new chapter here at ETSU and I am part of the founding group. I am currently in the Initiation program and will be inducted in April. I am very excited about doing this. There are some great opportunities and not only can I call Elizabeth my roommate, but my brother. ;)
Well, that's basically it. As of right now, I am officially on Spring Break. First, I don't understand the "Spring" part of it considering we practically got a blizzard all day Wednesday and Thursday morning. There was at least 1 inch of snow. I bet it was more actually. It was too cold to pay attention. Oh, and, snow boots don't always keep you from slipping on snow or ice. We so should have had a snow day, like Davidson County Metro schools (grrr. not fair Christie!) The second part I don't get is the "Break". I work both weekends and Tuesday and Thursday. In between those days I will be working on 4 papers as well and studying for almost all of my subjects and my Phi Sigma Pi history lesson. I know...there's that tiny violin. It's ok though. I wish I could go home a visit for a while, but I figure that I will see everyone in May. :)
I guess that's it for right now. I might blog again over the break if something interesting happens at work or it snows feet or something. ;) Have a good Spring Break everyone who is on break! :)