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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thanksgiving: Day 3

I am thankful for my body's ability to stay active.  As many of my reader's know, I've been trying to lose weight throughout the year.  I've been fairly successful so far.  :)  Part of losing that weight (at least for the second half of the year) is exercising.  Mostly, I've been doing yoga.  That has helped my strength and flexibility tremendously.

This month, I'm starting a couple of new things.  There are two reasons.  One, I need to vary up my exercising routine beyond yoga (even though I love it).  Two, I hurt my wrist last Tuesday at yoga doing the crow pose (I held it longer than I should have).  So, one thing that I'm doing is running.  I have always hated running, even when I ran track in middle school.  But I have so many friends who love running and are in great shape.  My friend, Justin, started running using an app on his phone and was fairly successful with it, so I've decided to try it for myself.  I've complete day one last week, but I'm starting over again because of all that's gone on.  Hopefully I'll be able to get running consistently.

Lastly, I'm playing intramural volleyball.  I played a couple of years ago on Phi Sigma Pi's team, so I'm playing again this year.  I played two games this evening.  We lost our first game (it was 7 against 4, which was my team), but didn't get creamed.  We won our second game! (7 against 5).  Now some of you are probably thinking, you have a hurt wrist and you are playing volleyball.  Well, I was planning to sit out on the games, but it turns out we had several people show up late or not at all.  To prevent our team from forfeiting and playing a fine, I played.  The second game, I was able to tape my wrist, so it doesn't hurt right now.  We will see how I feel in the morning.

Anyway, I'm super thankful for my body because I feel like I'm physically more capable of staying active than I was during my undergrad.

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