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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stress, StReSs, STRESS!!!!

So, I have be prescribed, by my boyfriend, to not do anything tonight. First, let me preface this story with why I have been ordered to chill out on the couch by Ryan, and coworker and good friend, Joel.

Yesterday, around 7:30 am, I woke up with an incredible charlie horse in my left calve. When I tried to stand up after it stopped throbbing, the charlie horse shot up to my neck. I couldn't stand. Not what I needed when I had fifty million things to do that day. So I needless to day, I was wheeled around in a borrowed wheelchair by my awesome Brother, Sara (that is Fraternity brother;)) and I dealt with the pain of all of my muscles being contracted on my left side.

Anyway, many ask, "What's stressing you out". Simple answer. Life. So yesterday was my last day of my undergraduate career. It's incredibly bitter sweet. It's awesome because I'm done and can say that I have a bachelor's degree in Biology with a minor in Humanities. However, it's very bitter because next Saturday, not only am I graduating, but it is very symbolic of how now I'm supposed to be moving on with my life as an adult, which for me is terrifying.

For those of you who do not know, I did not in to medical school this time around. I have not taken my MCAT again this semester, so I won't be able to apply for the next year either. I am not intending to go to graduate school this year because I have not researched into graduate school, I haven't taken the necessary tests, and I haven't filled out the application. So what's next... I'm living in Johnson City and working. Don't get me wrong. I love Johnson City and I have the best job that I have ever had, but it just feels like what's next? I don't know.

In addition to the whole "what does my future hold for me?" weighing heavily on my shoulders, but I also have the next week to face. I only have 2 finals, but I have 3 papers stills to write (don't worry I can write them probably in one day). It's just a little overwhelming, but now that I type it out it doesn't really seem like a lot. Two, graduation. I'm so excited about a few things, but I'm super worried about a lot of things. Deep inside I'm hoping my family are so impressed with the hotel. I think it's awesome, even if I'm an employee (I swear I'm not sucking up, I just really love my job). I hope that I will be able to walk across the stage at graduation (but if I don't I'm holding Genesia to what she said that she'd wheel me across that stage). I have to clean. I mean, when I get off of crutches I can do that so quickly, but still all of the preparation for graduation. There's another piece of graduation that has been on my mind, but mom and Christie have tried to keep me from weighing me down, so I'm not going to write about it.

Anyway, that is what has been going on in my life the past week or so. Just to get everyone up to speed and kinda explain some of my weird moods lately.

Hopefully I will have some pictures and posts up later.


P.S. After next week I'm going to have to change the title of my blog. I've thought about it. I think it's going to be "Life of the College Graduate". What does everyone think?

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