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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Congrats to Me!

Saturday, May 8th, I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Biology. I say goodbye to my undergraduate career to start a new chapter of my life. As you may have noticed, I've changed the blog name to "Life as a College Graduate". (If you are reading this on Facebook, I encourage you to take a look at the original blog at

This weekend was a great weekend for me. I got to spend time with a lot of family (Mom, Dad, Christie, Grandmama, Uncle Wayne, Auntie Menie, Uncle Steve, Auntie Delma, Uncle Tony, Alex, and the Alexander family). I received many congratulations, gifts, and words of wisdom for this next chapter of my life. The most popular question was, "Does it feel any different being a graduate?" The answer is, for now, not really. I don't think that it will hit me that I am no longer a student until, probably, later on this month when I have the choice to wake up at a decent time to start my day or sleep in, when I realize I don't have to stay up late to finish homework, or when I realize that I can actually hang out with friends on a week night, but I'll blog all about that when it happens.

What's next...that's another big question that I don't really have an answer for. As of now, I am taking a year off from school and working. It's hard to write down what exactly I'm feeling about the whole situation, but just know that I have seriously thought about this decision for quite some time. I know that God has a plan for me and that hopefully within this year of figuring out what's next He will guide me into the right direction.

So, what happens next in terms of the blog? Well, now that I have some time on my hands, I will try (I know I promise this all of the time) to blog more. I probably won't every day or even every week because I mean, what will I write about when nothing really new is going on. However, I will write about my baby steps forward, the hardships, the exciting experiences that I may have, and practically everything that I feel is relevant to this new chapter of my life.

Thank you everyone for the congratulations, support, and encouragement! :)

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