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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Too fast!

I can't believe that it is already been over a week since my last post!  The sad thing is that I don't really have much to talk about now, but I need to blog this week.  I guess I can give an update on how life is going right now.

This past week, much of my life have been dedicated to Phi Sigma Pi.  Last Saturday, another Brother and I held a seminar on how to be a good big brother.  Monday was Theta class' first initiate meeting and of course last night was the Chapter meeting.  All throughout this week I've been working on some of the logistics of starting an alumni chapter here in Johnson City.  Hopefully some news will come soon about good progress.

As far as school goes, it's been kinda slow.  I am ahead in one of my classes and right where I should be in the other two.  I know this is just the calm before the storm though.  I do have good news.  I get to tie in one of my resolutions and one of my class assignments.  Ya know that book I was planning on reading about Starbucks?  Well, I get to read it for class for some background information.  What's a better source than a book written by the former CEO and founder of the company!  Anyway, enough about classes.

Work is work. It hasn't been too busy or too slow lately.  I just finished a training session of the new web content management system for the university.  I'm kinda excited about it.  Yea, I know, I'm an ETSU pride nerd.  :)  Along with that, I'm debating on creating a Facebook page for the department.  Well, not actually debating, just thinking about what to put on there.  With registration coming up, I think this would be the perfect time for it.  Who knows?  If you have any ideas on what I should do, leave a comment for me.

Life outside of school, work and Phi Sigma's been busy.  Ryan and I are planning on doing our "spring cleaning" this weekend.  Lately, we've done a lot of talking about food now that we are both doing this nutrition plan.  We will see how that works out.  Did you get to read my last post?  Well, if you haven't, pause and go read it real quick.  It's important in regards to this next update.  The last post was about a house that Ryan and I looked at that was a lease-purchase.  Little did we know that the idea of actually doing it might have to be a reality.  Basically, our neighbors are inconsiderate jerks.  Unfortunately I'm not sure what the next step is.  I told our landlord that it is either they are evicted or Ryan and I leave.  I didn't think that it would be the latter, but I haven't heard anything from the landlord yet and he's not answering emails or phone calls.  :/  What to do, what to do?!  Just keep us in your prayers about this issue because I'm not sure how everything is going to pan out in the next week. 

I guess that's all for now.  I do have to do a couple of shout outs to people with big news from this week.  Congratulations to Danielle for getting the job!  Congratulations to Justin for getting into President's Pride and being elected as treasurer for the Initiate class!  :)

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