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Friday, February 10, 2012

When I was a kid...

I didn't have Facebook.  Facebook wasn't introduced until I was in high school and even then, you had to have a college email address to sign up for it.  When I was in middle and high school, MySpace was the big social networking site.  Even then, my Myspace was so boring that I hardly ever updated it.  All I can say is thank God that when I went through my little, rebellion stage of my life (8th grade might I add) I didn't have access to anything like Facebook.  Watch below.  Please be aware that there is cursing in this video, so if you are sensitive to it you might not want to watch it.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I didn't talk bad about my parents when I was going through that stage of my life (sorry, Mom and Dad), but at least I didn't do it where hundreds/thousands/millions of people could see it!  And...I remember one time (and she may remember others lol) I talked back to my mom, but I never talked back to them the way this girl made it sound!  Even when I was mad at my parents, I still said, "Yes/No, ma'am/sir".  It was expected of me.  Now, as I grow up (wow this goes back to my last post) I have realized that parenting has changed a lot.  You can tell by the way high schoolers and new college students act.  Let me tell you, I would never get away with half of the stuff they get away with today, even if I tried as a grown adult!  I don't know; I guess the world is just getting crazier. 

I wanted this for four reasons.  First to say kudos to this father!  Second to thank my parents for raising me right!  Third, as my age group has begun to get married and have babies, I feel like videos like this should be preparation as to what's to come.  Let's remember how we were raised so things don't come to the way it is shown in the video.  Lastly, I wanted to post this for my future daughter and/or son.  Please someone out there show this video to them.  Let it be known that if they want to act crazy like this girl did, they are going to receive the same punishment.  The only difference: it'll be both Ryan and I shooting that laptop with a full box of ammo each! ;)

Happy Friday, everyone!

1 comment:

Tina B. said...

hahahahaha THAT IS HILARIOUS! Dude i didnt have a lap top until I bought one as an adult. I didnt have a dishwasher to do dishes in until i started paying my own rent! These lil teenagers better be happy I am NOT their parent! Lucas will NEVER be allowed to have those types of privelages unless he has EARNED them, and that is more than wiping off the counter! I am with you, no matter how much i got mad at mom and dad for making me do stuff i didnt want to do, I kept my stupid teenage fits and smart mouth to myself becuase I KNEW my ass would be blistered!!! Even if i walked away mad or in tears, it was always "yes ma'am, yes sir"!!!! What a spoiled ungrateful lil girl!!! Kudos to dad for lighting up the laptop, but i would have busted some 15 year old ass as well are so disrespectful now and days!