Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, January 23, 2012


Have you ever just had a moment where you are in the middle of completing a remedial task and stop and feel completely overwhelmed? 

Ok.  Well, about 30 seconds ago I was simply updating something on my calendar, adding a dinner to this Friday with some PSP friends, when all of the sudden I noticed everything else on my calendar.  Granted, whenever I look at any calendar, I typically see at least one other person's (if I'm looking at my work calendar, I see my boss's calendar and if I'm looking at my personal calendar, I see Ryan's and all of my family's calendars); but just now I noticed that I have soooo much on my own! 

So last week I realized I have two entire books (like 1000 pages) to read for class and I had just promised Christie when she visited that I would start reading the hunger games.  I have two papers due next week.  I have a new class to attend today, which will probably result in another reading assignment and probably another paper.  I am desparately trying to stay on top of my daily work-out schedule.  In the back of my mind, I'm thinking of all of the laundry and dishes I have to put up.  And naturally, I'm trying to have a life outside of school and work!

Oh dear!  I'm overwhelmed.  Now readers, don't be too too concerned, as I am the master of planning and multitasking, so I know I'll get everything done.  But just know, that I'm a little overwhelmed and I had to tell someone, so why not the world. Whew, that felt good to get all of that off of my chest.  Back to reading.

:/  I'll blog later when I have survived this week!


Chica said...

I am feeling the same thing right now :(
I don't know what it is. But I just want to sit and cry.....just like in Dane Cook. I need a good cry right now. I don't know what it is but I have been in such a funk mood since yesterday midday. Which was before someone went to the I know how you are feeling :(

Tina B. said...

I have the same feeling...all the time LOL. With home, i know that the clothes are clean, but they never make it to the dresser or closet, with the dishes, thank GOD for a dishwasher...with homework I do my best to stay on top of it and I have good intentions on doing such, but like last night when i sat down to do my Japanese homework I passed out. Its like if i get a moment to sit still my body says "bam stay there!" I do my best to juggle everything, and sometimes i dont get as far as i'd like to but as long as Lucas is happy, fed, and has had some "mommy & me" time everything else in the world can wait. Lately i try to not spend all my time on the computer because that is where my marriage is right now, but when my husband goes through a rough patch, then I go through a rough patch as well...probably shouldnt be like that but it is. And as long as I dont forget to shut it down and spend time with Lucas then I think that I have accomplished something greater than juggling.....I have raised my lil man. The only aspect in my life that keeps me going, drives me crazy and makes it all worth while!!! So i understand the feeling of overwhelmed, the need to vent and the looks of a full calendar. And TRUST ME, its better to get it all out, whether in words on a blog, a journal, or just talking to someone that will LISTEN and not offer their opinion or advise, but rather understanding and sympathy! Sometimes thats all i need is someone that will understand. But better out than in i say! lol <3 ya