Wedding Countdown

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So, I've noticed that a lot of my blog titles are "Ah!" or some version of them.  Typically, the title means that I haven't gotten to post in a while.  Since my resolution is to blog at least once a week, I post twice this week.  (Oh, dear, it's already Wednesday!)  Anyway...I did start a draft of a post last week, but I ended up deleting it because it wasn't very good.  haha!

So this post is essentially to tell you about my awesome, long weekend.  Christie came to Johnson City for the weekend and we had a fantastic time!  Her previous trips have almost never been as fun simply because I didn't plan anything.  :/  Granted, I had to work most nights and weekends, but this past weekend I actually didn't have to work! 

Back to what we did.  Friday, she came up and the first thing we did was go look at a house that Ryan and I thought we were interested in buying.  Talk about misrepresentation.  Let's just say that at least half of the doors that we tried to open resulted in the door knob in one of our hands!  The agent showing us the house knew nothing about it and didn't even know how to open some of the doors!  Two tips for someone trying to sell their house.  1) Hire a real estate agent that cares about knowing what your property is about.  2) If you're trying to sell your house, don't leave all of your junk all over the place.  It might just say to your buyer that you're a hoarder.  (Yea, this house looked like a hoarder lived in it.)  After the house adventure, we had dinner at Miso's and went back to the house and watched some TV.

Saturday was another eventful day.  We ate brunch at IHOP.  (Thanks, Christie, for the sneak attack and paying for it!)  After that we went shopping at Target, my favorite store ever!  We then watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D!!!  Can I just say, it was better than when we watched it when we were little!  I found it pretty amusing that the audience was composed half of families with young children and the other half were college students our age.  It just goes to show you how much Disney impacted our childhood.  :)   After the movie we headed to Baileys for dinner and to watch the Broncos vs. Patriots game.  It was a lot of fun.

Sunday, Christie and I went shopping!  We shopped til we dropped.  She got a couple of cute things from Charming Charlie's and I got an awesome purse!  (If you see it, you'll be jealous.)  After shopping we went to meet Ryan, Cat and Keith and went downtown to the Charles to attend an event called the Pie Wars.  After having one round of pizza tasting and a couple of hours mingling, we ended up leaving early and went o Baileys for a little bit of trivia. 

Monday was the day that Christie had to leave.  :(  We had an awesome breakfast at Panera, where we saw that realtor!  After breakfast, Christie went home.  The rest of the day, Ryan went to his lab to do some research and attend a meeting and I deep cleaned the living room, did a lot of laundry, and started re-organizing the kitchen.

Well, since I'm posting on my lunch break, I guess I should eat lunch before it's over!  Sorry for more of a recap post.  I just had so much fun and was so happy that my sister got to visit.  I secretly (well not anymore) hopes she goes to ETSU for PT school so we can hang out more!  I'll post another blog later this week.  Readers, if you don't see something by Friday evening, someone better comment/email/text me to remind me to do so.  I need someone to hold me accountable!  :)

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