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Thursday, January 19, 2012

As promised...

As I promised in my previous post, here is the second post of the week to make up for last week.  This blog post is about the SOPA/PIPA concerns that I have.  What is SOPA/PIPA?  You must not have been online yesterday because all over the internet were protests and website blackout against it.  For example, Google put a black box over it's logo.  Wikipedia completely shut down it's site for the day.  About 25% of the friends on my Facebook feed had the same profile picture that representing what might happen if these bills passed.  Needless to say, I signed the petition against it.

To summarize, the SOPA and PIPA bills would allow censorship of the internet.  Now, please keep in mind that I'm not an expert on this topic, but this is what I gathered from all of the articles that I read before signing the petition.  While I would NEVER recommend Wikipedia for a source on a scholarly paper, I would recommend it if you want some more information about this topic.

Anyway, my thoughts on this is that these two bills could drastically impact the way we live.  Think about simple example...this blog is something that could be censored if those bills passed.  A simple blog.  Something that I do in my spare time for enjoyment could be censored if say I put something offensive/controversial/remotely close to copyright infringement (say like posting a recipe).  My blog could also be taken down if a fellow blogger on the Blogger domain wrote anything like I said above.  Can you imagine that?  That's just one aspect.  Think about Facebook, YouTube, one article even mentioned Etsy would be majorly impacted by the passing of these bills.  That's crazy!

So, what's the purpose of this post.  Well, if you value the content of the Internet and the freedom of speech, sign the petition!  Just Google SOPA/PIPA or look at a "Stop SOPA" Facebook profile picture to find out how. 

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