Wedding Countdown

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 2: Mission of Hope: Yet Another Travel Day

Ok. So I don't have too too much to say because we traveled literally into the next day. We just completed our 12 hour flight and are currently sitting in the Seoul, Korea airport waiting for our last flight into Manila.

The flight was not too bad. It didn't really seem like a really long flight. It is probably because I slept a while. I did watch a few movies. I watched some Korean movie about these 3 old ladies who rob a bank trying to get to Hawaii. That was a pretty good movie. Too bad I have no idea what the name of the movie is. I also watched Shutter Island. Great movie! Of course, I'm a big fan of Leo DiCaprio, but the plot was pretty good as well. I started watching Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. I've watched about an hour before we landed and it got cut off, so hopefully I can watch the rest on this flight.

Ok. now time for tips!

Tip #5: Bring an adapter for headphones on the airplane. I personally hate airplane headphones. They are uncomfortable and just poor quality. Christie bought Ryan and I some really nice headphones and an adapter that works for the plane. Ok. Now for you people who don't fly very much...the airplane has two plugs for headphones, one to control the left and one to control the right side of the headphones. As you know, the headphones we typically buy only have one jack, but there's an adapter! YAY! I highly recommend them.

Tip #6: If you are typically one who goes to the bathroom fairly often or drinks a lot of fluid, take the aisle seat. I've been at the window seat the past two times and I will probably opt for the aisle seat this time because I hate climbing over Ryan and Alex to use the restroom. Plus, I like to walk around the cabin (well, on this last flight).

So like I said, we are just waiting. Nothing too fantastic. Hopefully I will get a chance to blog later on today about Day 3! ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds like you have had an exhausting time so far!! I hope the trip becomes a lot better!! Be safe and have LOTS of fun!!