Wedding Countdown

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Resolutions Update

It's getting closer to time to start making new resolutions (I've got another couple of months or so), so I figured it might be time to do another update.

1.)  Start the Good Thoughts Jar.  I've been doing okay with this resolution.  I occasionally put something in my jar.  However, I don't do it everyday or even consistently once a week. 

2.)  Read the entire Bible.  I'm very behind.  I used the "Catch Me Up" feature on YouVersion several times because I've been bad about it.  I will say that I'm about 51% through the Bible.  According to my plan, I should have this finished in April.

3.)  Lose weight...a lot of weight.  So I gained a few pounds.  It's been harder without going to a doctor once a week.  I'm trying to stay on track, but it's been hard with staying busy.  I've still got about half way to go.

4.)  Be more creative.  Yep!  I took some initiative and I started sewing classes last Monday.  I'll have sewing classes once a week until Thanksgiving and I will have completed my first garment by then!  I'm hoping that maybe I'll have a side project when I'm going through the classes too.  I'm really excited about that.  Also, I've already talked to one of my Brothers about hosting a Pinterest party over ETSU's winter break.  I can't wait for that!
5.)  Cook one new recipe a month.  I'm not sure if I've done a recipe every month or not.  I know that this month I've tried two different ones.  One is a breakfast burrito for Ryan.  He said it was pretty good so I pinned it on my success board.  The other one was a recipe for wheat sandwich bread.  It was just...okay.  Not my favorite  and it was a little dense for me.  Honestly, it's also not really worth the time for the taste.  I'd rather use that time to make Grandmama's bread.  Next month I'm going to try a new recipe for SAAC's retreat this weekend.  I'll let everyone know how it goes!

6.)  Save some money.  Eh.  That's been interesting.  Ryan and I did sit down and make savings plans for the next few years.  We are on the right track.  I will say that using my Christmas fund with my bank is making life a million times easier for planning for Christmas.  I got started Christmas present shopping early! ;)

7.)  Drink more water.  Again, this resolution has now become a habit. 

8.)  Be more appreciative. Again, this has been difficult to track.  Definitely won't be putting a resolution like this again (one that's not really measureable).  Anyway, I believe that I've done a better job and making sure that I tell everyone that I appreciate their efforts or doing things for me. 

9.)  Take more photos, and not just photos of my dog, Butch.   I've been okay on this one.  I think I'm going to be keeping this as a resolution for next year. 

10.)  Blog once at least once a ...month. I'm still doing pretty well on this one! ;)

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