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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Resolution Recap

So, I'm looking at my blog and see that I haven't blogged in such a long time!   There are some very significant reasons why I haven't.  Since my last blog, life has gotten really crazy.  One particular opportunity presented itself in July...Ryan and I almost bought a house.  Almost is the key word.  Needless to say, due to some deed issues, we didn't actually buy the house.  Looking back on that moment, it was probably a good thing that it feel through considering what would happen within the following months.  Long story problems occurred on top of all the stress from work and school.  One thing kept happening after another, including our washing machine going kaput!  It has been a very tough semester.  Anyway, I wanted to at least do a recap of my resolutions from the year so I can prepare for the upcoming year.

 New Year's Resolutions 2012

1) Go camping! Guess what...I've been camping twice in the past year!  No, I did not go camping at a campsite. Ryan and I went tent camping in the middle of the National Forest (somewhere between Unicoi and Jonesborough).  The first time was just the two of us, I believe in August.  It was a very enjoyable trip, even though it got really cold at night!  I proved that I could build a decent tent (without directions).  The second time we went, it was for Ryan's birthday.  We got to use our new, huge tent for that occasion.  That was a lot of fun too, despite seeing a black bear on the way to the campsite.  Anyway, I can definitely cross that off my bucket list!  I look forward to going camping when it starts to get warmer.  :)

2) Bake more.  Well..this definitely happened!  Justin and I were able to bake quite a bit over the past year.  We have done at least 3 paid gigs, participated in Battle of the Batter (fundraiser for the American Cancer Society), and have baked just for fun or small occasions several times.  I think we have gotten better at our baking.  I've gotten a little bit better at the decorating (Justin's still the best at it!).  Let me favorite that we've done...probably our Peanut Butter Gone Bananas cupcake.  It was a chocolate cupcake, filled with Mom's banana pudding, topped with a peanut butter icing.  It was delish!  I can't wait for the upcoming year!  Don't forget to like JSquared Bakery Facebook Page!

3) Be more romantic.  Hmmm.  I'm not sure how to rate whether or not this resolution was successful.  Probably need to ask Ryan.  What I can say is that Ryan and I have gone through a lot over the past year.  Most don't know what I'm talking about because we keep our relationship pretty private (I mean who wants to hear about relationship ups and downs from a couple who have been together for almost a one!).  Anyway, I can say that we have grown closer to each other through this past six months going through all of the downs.  I may not have been more romantic, but definitely more honest and appreciative.  I've tried to be a better girlfriend, and I think that I might have been at least a little bit successful at that.

4)  Pretend to be the paparazzi.  Yes, this one is an epic fail.  Lol.  If anything, I'm Butch's paparazzi. 

5) Have a sit-down dinner party.  I give myself a half a point for this one.  I have hosted a few potlucks at the house for the Phi Sigma Pi Southern Appalachian Alumni Chapter.  :)  We have also had several people over for dinner (but we ate in the living room).  Our place is still too small to actually have a dinner party.

6) Don't just like it, do it! So I now have a Pinterest.  I don't really get on Stumbleupon too much anymore.  (I guess I could turn my Stumbleupon pages into Pins...hmmm...the possibilities)  Anyway, I have done quite a few things off of Pinterest.  See my Success Pinterest Board for all of the things I've done so far! 

7) Be more musical.  I'm still the singing my car.  ;)  No points for this resolution.

8) Read a book or two or more.  I'm going to give myself half a point for this resolution.  I did end up reading Onward by Howard Schultz; however, I ended up using it as a reference for a class.  Now, I've been given the opportunity to read several books.  One of my classes next semester is an independent study course for my leadership requirements.  I have to read six books and write a ten page paper on each book.  My goal is to get through at least half of them before school starts so really I only will have one class that I need to focus on in the spring.

9) Share more about me.  I think I was fairly successful in this resolution.  Maybe not on my blog...but definitely in person.  I have shared a lot about my thoughts, feelings, and life to those around me.  Hopefully you guys have gotten to know me a little bit better. 

10) Blog at least once a week.  I think I did well the first few months, but like most resolutions, they tend to disappear after the first few months into the year.  This is definitely one of them.  I'm not even going to get a tiny portion of a point to myself on this one.

Drum roll please...6 points out of 10.  Not too shabby I don't think.  I did do most of the fun items on my resolution list (see, Christie!).  Now to ponder the resolutions for next year...Any thoughts?

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