Wedding Countdown

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1: Recap

Ok.  So, not too too much to recap, but I figure that the first week is the hardest to keep New Years' Resolutions.  So let's see how I've added up so far.
1. Keep up the good work on all of the successful New Year's Resolutions from 2010.  Well, so far I think I have continued to be successful in these.
2. Don't let too many things go to the back burner.  Keep making progress on dwindling down the to-do lists.  No, Mom, I haven't made that doctor's appointment yet, but that's partially because I don't have the new insurance card.  So, that's still at the top of one of my many to-do lists.  Maybe I'll research that a little more today.  But!  I have crossed off clean the house...well pick up the house.  My living room, kitchen (minus one load of dishes), hallway, room, and bathroom are all picked up.  Pledge and my vacuum will be my best friend today.  That'll be it in terms of cleaning.  I will need to reorganize, but at least it's clean for now.
3. Become a healthier me.  I have worked out a total of 4 times since the last time I posted using the EA Active 2 game for the Wii.  Now let me just give you a little review, and Ryan can totally back me up on this, it is a real workout.  If you are truly looking to get in shape and work out but don't have the money for the gym, or walking isn't cutting it, or the Wii Fit is only good for having some fun, then this is the game for you!  (Gosh, I sound like a salesperson. Good thing I'm going into Business.)  I get so much out of my workouts and I'm having a lot of fun.  In addition to working out, I have been drinking lots of water, which is something that I have always been horrible about doing.  I'm at least up to 6 glasses a day.  :) In addition to working out, I have been eating much healthier.  Ryan and I are currently following the South Beach diet.  We both have been successful on this diet before so we are trying it again.  I haven't really been craving too much, not sweets surprisingly.  I have been craving chicken wing, garlic Parmesan chicken wings with some ranch dressing.  I know, that's very specific, but that's what I want.  Ryan and I will be on Phase 1 of the diet for another week, then we can start reintroducing good carbs and fruits.  Yay!
4. Call my parents more and visit more than just holidays.  So I think I have done better.  I have called Mom at least 4 times this week, which is better than 1 or none.  In terms of visiting, well, hopefully soon.  We will just have to plan on that later...
5. Send cards. Well, it's only been a week and I haven't had anyone to send cards to!  I do have one particular birthday coming up in the family in the next couple of weeks and then a very special one on the 3rd of February (cough:Mom:cough).  Let's see how I do come week 3.
6.Quit smoking As of today, Justin has been smoke free for 9 days!!!!!  :)  I have given 1 inspirational quote of the week so far (I hope he realizes it was from me).  I am just so proud.  It is nice because now it's not just me supporting, his step-dad, and his boyfriend are quitting at the same time.  I'm so proud of all of them!  :)
7.Go to church more often. tomorrow?  Maybe?  I can say that I have been reading my devotional book and this other Christian book in the mornings when I get up.  That is better than before.  I am starting to reconnect more.  I won't go too much into my testimony quite yet, maybe some other post.
8.Go Camping!  Considering it's about 9 degrees outside, at least 2 inches of snow on the ground with a 50% chance of more snow tonight, then 100% chance on Monday, there's no way I have even started on this resolution.  Check back on this one around April.
9. Finish my craft projects.  Almost bought some fabric to make those place mats, but I decided to pass.  I've been focused on some of my other resolutions so this one kinda goes on the back burner.  :/  I know, one of my resolutions is not to let things sit on the back burner.  It won't be too bad for one week...right...right?
10. Continue to blog about life. Well, readers, how do you think I'm doing on this one?  :)  I kid.  I kid.  I actually enjoy blogging.  I just wish I had a little more to write about other that what I think is my boring life.  I guess in the future I'll have things to write about like having a house, weddings, babies (no I'm not pregnant so don't start the rumors now...I meant like waaaay in the future), and I don't know, being a millionaire!  lol.  That would be nice.  Oh, but while I mention that, Justin and I spent some time dreaming about homes that we would love to live in.  Just check out:  You will fall in love with at least one house, if not several.  Be careful.  It's addicting.  :)  Anyway, it's time to turn in now.  I have to get up and work out.  Goodnight world!

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