Wedding Countdown

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Saturday, January 9, 2010


Well, I don't really have any awesome pictures of the fabulous snow (because I'm feeling a little under the weather and the 12 degree environment doesn't help), but I can blog about it.  I just read a little bit ago that Mom and Dad got some snow in Nashville so I decided to blog about our snow here in Johnson City. 

Well we got a little bit of snow in early December, but we had a large snow on the weekend on December 18th.  The weather channel kept saying that we were going to get somewhere between 3 to 10 inches (yes, such a great estimation of what to expect).  Ryan and I were planning for a Christmas party, so we went to Walmart right before the snow was supposed to hit (it happened to land on a payday).  By the time we got out of the chaotic Walmart, the snow had already begun covering the roads and the cars.  It took us about 2.5 hours to travel 6 miles back to our house.  I packed a bag and Ryan took me to the Carnegie hotel, where I work.  I had to work the next morning so the company allowed for its employees who had to work the next morning and/or the night of the snow to stay there (I guess so there were no excuses to call into work).  The roads were slick because salt didn't make it out on the roads before the snow hit because it had been raining beforehand.  It was just a crazy mess.  We got about 6 inches of snow that weekend and it was just chaos.

It hasn't snowed near as much as that weekend, but we have gotten several more days filled with snow.  We currently have 2 inches here at the house accumulated from the past few days.  It is still snowing.  We weren't really sure what to expect this time because the forecast kept changing from "worse than it was the weekend before Christmas" to 0 accumulation expected at all.  I guess we will just see.  The current forecast is no more snow until next weekend, but that could all change tomorrow.  I'm hoping that it snows like crazy on Wednesday night because I would find it hilarious to see school get canceled for the first day back.  :)  Anyway, hopefully next time more pictures and more news about snow!

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