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Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year: 2010

This will be the year of changes and hopefully opportunities.  There are so many things that will happen this year and I am very excited and pretty optimistic about them.  This post is pretty much what to expect in future blog posts as well as some resolutions (I've heard that if you make your resolutions public then you are more likely to keep them.)  Anyway, on with the post...

First, I would like to say that I will be completing my last semester as an undergraduate at ETSU in May!  I am so excited about graduating!  Can you believe that it has already been 4 years since my last walk across the stage?  We have already begun planning with graduation weekend, especially since Mom and Dad are here in Johnson City for the weekend!  Hmmm.  I guess I will have to change the name of this blog after May.  A little more about graduation...I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Humanities.  What will I do with that degree?  Only time will tell.  :)  At the moment, I am going where life takes me and hopefully oppportunity will be knocking at my door soon.

Soon after graduation, my family will be traveling back to the Philippines for another mission trip in June.  We are already ahead of the schedule when it comes to collecting school supplies and donations for school uniforms, but we are continuously working on collecting more funds for transportation and collecting clothing donations, especially pants.  We are very excited to go back.  If you would like more information, please visit

Ok.  Now for some resolutions. Promise not to laugh!

1.) Try not to get upset when life has a few unexpected bumps.
2.) Realize that plan b or c or d may work out for the best.
3.) Lose at least 35 lbs. before graduation by eating better and exercising.
4.) Make all A's this semester.  The new laptop should help with that.
5.) Take more pictures.  I finally have another great camera so hopefully these posts will contain more photos.
6.) Call my parents more often.  Since I've started work at the hotel I haven't been able to call every night, sometime just once a week, but with my new phone I will be a little more inclined to call even when it is late.
7.) Send birthday cards.  I used to send them all the time, but I lost the list with everyone's birthdays.  Now that I have the list again so maybe I can keep it up.
8.) Have more laughs and smiles than "grr" moments.
9.) Save some money.  (I tend to spend my paycheck in the week that I have it instead of saving it.)  I've already started my $5 fund (ask me about it if interested).
10.) Blog more.  This one everyone who reads this can poke at me to keep this resolution.  Seriously, bug me if you haven't seen a blog in a while.

Well, that's all for now.  Have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and Decade! :)

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