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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christmas Break Part 3

Alrighty. I thought it would be at least a week before I would post again, but I know a lot of people have wondered about my current away messages today, so I decided to give you guys an update.

Yesterday, I was at a doctor's office, job shadowing a breast surgeon. We went to the second patient's room. The doctor had been talking with the patient. All of a sudden I felt dizzy and my stomach began to hurt really bad. I figured that I could just sit in the chair in the room and be fine, but I never made it to the chair. I blacked out before I got there. They brought me to another room and gave me some crackers and a Sprite. I still didn't think that everything we right. Mom came to the office and we saw the overflow doctor for my primary care doctor (thank God it was in the same building). Well, a whole lot of talk happened and she decided to run some blood work (some for the symptoms then and some to compare with the blood work that I had done to check for JRA) and have an EKG. Well, getting all of that done wasn't too bad, but anyway, I had to wait until today to figure out what the results were.

Today, I received a phone call. The doctor had called my mom and then I got a hold of her. She told both of us that I should go and see my primary care doctor as soon as I can. She said my white blood count was elevated and that my EKG came back showing that my heart rate was slow with a little bit of irregular rhythm and that I needed to be on antibiotics for a bacteria infection of the GI tract. So, of course, I went to go see my doctor.
So, I went to Dr. Owens. She was very confused of the whole situation, so I retold my story. She said not to take the antibiotics because it could possibly do worse. She also said that the elevated white blood cell count, lower blood pressure, and the EKG results were related to the blacking out. She called it a vasovagal episode (a.k.a. fainting). My body just freaked out a little bit. So everything was ok relating to my incident yesterday.

So...that seems like everything is perfect again...but of're wondering about my knee(s). Well, Dr. Owens also informed me that my rheumatologist failed to tell me that I have JRA. They aren't changing any medication or anything since my current pills are working fine. She just suggested to try and become healthier and walk as less as possible (ha! yea right). She also told me I should really think about what I am planning to do in the future in regards to my career. Apparently I need a "low stress environment". I're thinking what I'm thinking...Jillian, low stress? yea right. I'm kinda taking that as lightly for right now, but it's still something I will have to think about.

Well. That has been what's going on for the past couple of days. Everything is going ok. Just pray that nothing else happens! Blog later! :)

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