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Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Better Blog

Alrighty! So I thought my next blog was going to be about my first week of school, but I have something more exciting to write about. SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Elizabeth and I woke up at about 6:40. We looked outside and saw a wonderful blanket of snow (there will be pictures later. I promise. Elizabeth is going to try to upload some pictures, so check "The Roomie's blog".) on the ground. I then hopped in the shower. When I came out of the bathroom, Elizabeth informed me that ALL CLASSES ARE CANCELED!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I still have to go to my APS job at the Student Health Clinic, because nursing clinics and such are still open, but maybe I can get out early. I am soooo excited. I am currently thinking what to do with my day. I think I might try the Lunch Break Yoga, depending on my knee. I will probably also go and play out in the snow for a little while. It is supposed to keep snowing until about 10 this morning. I'm just very excited because these snow days don't happen very often here in east Tennessee. I guess that there is enough snow and ice to keep people from getting on campus. Well, I am off to work. I will probably post again to talk about what I did today. I do know that Ryan is fixing his roommate, my roommate, and me waffles for breakfast this morning! :) Have a wonderful snowy/wintery day! ;)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

YAY SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!