Wedding Countdown

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Ok.  It's confession time...well nothing super juicy, just some thoughts I've been having today.  I finished a major presentation and it went well.  That is the end for one of my classes.  I'm 2 papers and one book away from graduation.  But it dawned on me, just now, what's next?  I mean, May will be fairly busy with the MOH trip and so will the beginning of June.  I have the alumni convention half way into June, but then...nothing.  No plans, well until convention in August, but that's one weekend.

I'm going to be in yet another transition period.  I don't own my home, so I can't do some awesome DIY projects that I've seen on TV or on Pinterest.  I don't have kids, so there won't be any time devoted to them.   I'm not engaged yet.  No wedding planning yet.  I'll be done with school.  Now what?  I know, I'm hearing people say, but you'll have a job and your MBA!  Well, yea, but what will I do after work?  I guess I'll have to pick up another hobby.

I'm just getting slightly worried that I'll be bored during this transition time.  Did anyone else feel that way?  I would ask my close friends, but they are all in school.  :)  Several of my closer friends went back to school.  Oh, what to do...  Just pondering for now.  Any advice for this upcoming graduate school graduate?  (Don't say school.  I'm not planning on getting my Ph.D.)

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