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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thanksgiving: Day 20

Today, I'm thankful for the Epsilon Xi Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi.  Tonight, we inducted Lambda class, celebrated the new chapter of four new Alumni Members, performed a new adoption ceremony, and even performed our first ever Chapter Service Key ceremony.

Ryan and I were awarded the Chapter's first Chapter Service Keys last night.  It was truly a surprise!  Another surprise was that I held it together throughout the hold ceremony with only glassy eyes.  :)  Receiving this award is truly an honor and I'm so happy! 

Epsilon Xi made my college experience so wonderful and brought me so many friends (even across the country)!  I honestly don't know who or where I would be without my Brothers and this Chapter.  It was great knowing that I've been able to give back.  I love you all, Brothers of Epsilon Xi!

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