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Friday, November 15, 2013

Thanksgiving: Day 15

I'm thankful for nurses.  No, I'm not a nurse and I never wanted to be a nurse, but I am very thankful for them.  Today, Ryan and I took a CPR/AED and First Aid training course that was led out by MSHA nurses.  Let me say, they did awesome, primarily because they were so patient!  There were a lot of questions asked the required the nurse to be very patient (yes, I do believe there are things as stupid questions).  Anyway, this is just one example.

I've met and worked with several nurses.  I have several friends who are becoming nurses.  The amount of knowledge, skill, and patient that they need is great.  Most of them are compassionate.  There were a few nurses that I worked with that helped me learn quite a few life lessons.  Had it not been for the doctors that I met while working at the hospital, I may have pursued my career path in medicine because I knew that I would have wonderful assets on my team, nurses. 

Anyway, so if you have an encounter with a nurse, be nice and say thank you.  They may or may not hear that very often.

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