Wedding Countdown

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wow. Twice in one week!

I know. I just blogged yesterday, but I'm in the mood to write and I have some time.  I've been at home all day because I have been feeling a little under the weather with a low-grade fever.  I'm hoping it will go away soon since I have to work tomorrow morning.  Ryan has been taking care of me for the past few days.  Anway, I'm sitting here curled up in my heavy blanket with Butch, who is sound asleep with his head resting on the arm of the couch.  I got online to get some inspiration.  I have a memoir due next week, but I have had very little inspiration, so I decided to look over some of my blogs and some of my mom's blogs hoping that maybe something will spark my eye.  It's always been pretty easy to write a blog, which in reality are just short memoirs.  The hard part about this particular assignment is that we have to incorporate various quotes that have caught our eye in our reading assignments.  Most of the quotes that I have picked are due to some bitter senitments that I feel are not worthy of writing a memoir over, but I won't elaborate on it.  Either way, writers' block sucks. 

So some other things that have been happening in life that may not be as big as in my last post.  Well, life has currently been filled with school and work.  If I'm not at school, then I'm at work.  If I'm at neither, then I'm probably torturing myself be sitting through meetings in which I have no speaking rights, watching TV that I have recorded because I'm too busy to watch the show live, or sleeping.  Lately at work they have been decorating for Christmas.  There are currently, since I've been in the hotel, 6 Christmas trees set up, and I have heard that there will be more!  I've never seen the Carnegie during Chistmas time, but I'm sure it will be beautiful.  Many of you might be asking yourself, isn't Jillian the one who can't stand to see anything Christmas before Thanksgiving?  Well, yes, that hasn't changed, but in this case I have no control.  :)  Besides, I'm ready for a little cheer in my life.  Who knows, when I gain a little strength maybe I'll start decorating the house for Christmas. 

For family that I haven't talked to recently, I turned in my medical school application.  After some long, tedious hours I have turned it in.  I'm waiting now.  I don't really know what is worse: filling out the application or waiting for a reply and hoping not to get that dreaded rejection letter.  Unfortunately, I have had a little bit of a pessimistic outlook on life recently.  I'm hoping for things to look up.  In the mean time, I am currently working on my application to osteopathic medical schools, thinking about a masters program that ETSU offers, TFA, and a potential job opportunity with PSP.  Who knows what is to come.

Anyway, I think that is all for now.  Sorry for kinda the gloomy, boring post.  I'm just bored.  If anyone has some ideas on what I should write about for my memoir, just leave a comment!  ;)

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