August was a busy month. At the beginning of the month, I found that Christie was coming home, so I went home too! We had a great time. Great food, great shopping, and great company! One night we ate out with Grandmama, Uncle Wayne, and Shelley. It was Asian cuisine, and I thought it was okay, but we all enjoyed having dinner together once again. Daddy and Mommy took off work to hang out with Christie and me. It was nice. We went shopping all over the place. We got a few things for school and some other knick knacks. Above are some pictures from that week. Can you tell that our family loves Marble Slab and Red Robin?? Look how long my hair is in the first picture! Can you tell Christie has spent way too long in Florida by her tan (Gosh, Christie!). It was probably the greatest week of that month.

A week before school started, I received another week off; however, it is not how most people spend the week off. During that week, I began my final training as a Preview Leader. It was so much FUN!!! It was great to hang out with friends who I hadn't

seen in forever (Kirsten, Scott, Johnny, my Co, Shawn, Ellen...) Although there was much time spent sitting through presentations, long hours of dance and skit practice, and eating Main Meal, I had a lot of fun. I got closer to several people that I would expect to. I was one of the leaders of Group 2. The students were great. I haven't seen many of them since school started, but I hope to get together with them soon! (I'm trying to get a date so we can grill out Group 2!) If you are on Facebook, check out the videos of the Preview Dance and of Risque Business. I'm in both! ;)

The last week on August, school started. I only have two on campus classes and two online classes. I never knew how awesome online classes were! I wish I would have found out sooner. Too bad there aren't any online Biology classes. I would have gotten my entire Biology degree online. In addition to school, I was preparing for several things to come in September!
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