Well, as most schools, ETSU had a holiday on Monday due to MLK Day. Well, little did I know, but Tuesday, we got another day out of school due to...SNOW!!
When I woke up on Tuesday, there were at least 4 inches on the ground. The roads had been icy all weekend, so we all figured we would get out of school at least for that day. Later that morning, Elizabeth, Marc, and I went sledding down one of the hills at the apartment complex. After some sledding, Marc showed us how to make a real snowman, not some dinky one that would only be 6 inches talk. Our snowman was huge! It was taller than me! It is the biggest snowman ever. (See pictures on Elizabeth's Facebook. I'll put mine up sometime.) After playing in the snow, we had some coffee. It was nice.
Let's see. Yesterday was classes as normal. Nothing too terribly exciting. Yesterday afternoon Ryan, Courtney, and I went and put up the bulletin board and flyers for Phi Sigma Pi rush for next month. That was fun. I will stop there about the fraternity stuff because I will just get upset because, if you didn't read my last post go read it, problems have not been resolved and probably won't ever get resolved due to...nevermind. I need to stop.
On a much more productive and entertaining note, tonight Sara and Courtney should be coming over to watch Grey's and Private Practice. It should be pretty FUN! They, including Ryan, are at their Kaplan class right now while I'm taking care of Butch and trying to stay warm. It's been fairly nice because homework hasn't been too bad yet, which is fine with me! Tomorrow should be pretty uneventful as well, but I'm excited to see the weekend!
Hope everyone has a lovely rest of the week and weekend. I should blog sometime next week. ;)
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