On July 27, 2008, one of my sister's best friends was killed in a car accident. Caitlin Currey was a wonderful young lady who always brightened any room that she walked into. She always had a smile on her face, even if she was mad, and she had the cutest voice. Christie and Caitlin met each other in middle school at East Literature and I played the flute with her in band. They were both planning on going to Tampa this fall to start college.
In memory of Caitlin, I wanted to share two of my favorite memories of her. The earliest memory that I have of Caitlin is when she was over at our house. She came over just to hang out with Christie. I walked by the living room and heard them giggling. I looked in and they were just playing cards or something and they looked at each other and started laughing as if there was an inside joke. They did this all the time. The last memory I have of Caitlin was at her sister's wedding. She was so beautiful. She looked all grown up and proud. This is where the picture above was taken.
Caitlin was an awesome person. She was very sweet and kind. She will truly be missed. Please keep her family and friends in your prayers.
We've never met before, but my name is J.R. Knowles and Caitlin Currey and I went to the same church(Glencliff Presbyterian) since before I can remember. We were little kids together and I have all the odd and wonderful memories that come with that. She stopped attending regularly a while ago, but the last time I saw her was several weeks ago when we both did the liturgy together. She was so beautiful and so clearly excited to move on to college and get her life started. It seemed like our lives ran parallel to each other and now she's suddenly gone. It's an incredibly frightening and heartbreaking thing, to know that someone so close to me and to my age was taken away right at the brink of her adulthood. Anyway, I just ran across this at random and wanted to say that it was comforting to read someone else's reflections and memories of her.
I am a student reporter at the University of Tampa, the college that Caitlin was planning to attend this year. First of all I want to tell you how sorry I am for your loss, and that I am sorry for intruding in your time of grief.
The student newspaper is trying to put together a story about Caitlin's life to share with the university. Unfortunatley because we were never able to meet her, we have little to go on. You mention here that you are her best friend's sister; I was hoping you might be able to put us in touch with your sister so we could ask her to share her memories of Caitlin.
We are trying to recieve as much information about Caitlin as possible so we can do the best job possible in putting together an accurate story and sharing her memory.
If you prefer, you can contact me at my email: sgottlieb@ut.edu.
Thank you for your time, and again I am sorry for your loss.
Thank you for the wonderful comments about Caitlin. We loved her very much and will miss her more than you can imagine.
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