Hello all!
I have some time before I have to do anything or go anywhere so I have decided to write the blog that I had promised before. First, I will let you know about my first snow day of the year!

As you can see from the pictures, we got about 2 inches of snow. The first thing Elizabeth and I did was build a mini snowman right outside of our dorm. We also made him a snowdog for company. ;) After building the snowman and having a small snow ball fight with Emily, we headed over to Ryan and Marc's room for breakfast. Ryan made us all waffles! They were wonderful! After breakfast we decided to go to Willow Springs Park and go sledding. You may be wondering how we went sledding. Two words: tote lids. We figured that would be a little bit easier to come by than stealing trays from main meal. We only found one good hill to sled down. A lot of the snow had melted. (There are videos of all of us sledding on Elizabeth's blog. Just click "The Roomie's Blog" under Awesome blogs and you will find them on the top right of her blog. Check them out. They are hilarious.) After sledding, we went to Walmart to get some food to make a warm lunch. Ryan, again, made a fabulous meal for us. After eating, we watched Good Luck Chuck. It was pretty funny. After a while, Elizabeth and I helped Ryan and Marc rearrange their room. It wasn't as hard and I thought it would be and it looks great! The rest of the night was pretty typical, dinner, t.v., then sleep. It was a pretty good day.
I know some of you are wondering...aren't you in east Tennessee for school? How's school? Well, I have finished my first week and a half here. I have attended all my classes, except my Genetics lab due to the snow day. So far, I like most of my classes. Chemistry (both general and organic) is finally making sense to me. I took my first Organic quiz today, and I'm sure that I aced it. Humanities is interesting as usual. My ethics class is going to be fun. I get to keep a journal, and so far I have written so much in it for only having attended 3 classes. The only class that might be a little bit of a challenge is Genetics. I love the topic, after all I thought about being a geneticist when I was younger, but the teacher is a little hard to understand. My book will become my best friend this semester.
Well, that's all for now. I should have an update pretty soon on a job opportunity that I have had and some extra curricular activities. Hope all of you have an excellent night! Stay warm! ;)
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