First off, I would like to say that I am not sick!!!!!!! Finally, it's about time. This weekend was absolutely amazing. I had so much fun this weekend.
First on Friday, I only had one class after work, so Ryan and I decided to go on a date. We ate at the Stir Fry Cafe because we had heard that it was a great place to eat. It was ok. It's not like home Chinese places. I loved the decor and the way that the resturant was laid out though. It was a nice ambience. Anyway, after dinner we went to go see Gridiron Gang. It is a really good movie. I liked it better than Invicible. The Rock did a great job in it too! Everyone should see it.
On Saturday, Ryan and I went to Johnson City SDA church. It's a small church, but it was really great. The pastor was so nice. He went out of his way just to meet us when we got there, and then to ask us to come back again! So, we concluded that Saturday is going to be our church day, since we like two churches in the area. In the morning, we will go to Johnson City SDA church, and in the evening, we will go to Grace Fellowship. After church, we went to eat at Chili's. Some people would think that we hadn't eaten for several days. It was yummy! We'll go there again sometime, maybe for another date. After that, we had to make our weekly trip to Walmart. ;) After Walmart, we went back to ETSU. He went back to McCord to change and get ready for the corn maze and I went back to Luntsford just to chill out before we went.
We left around 3:30 to go to the corn maze in Bristol. I was really excited because one, I really wanted to go to the corn maze and two we got to see the fall leaves on the way there.
Anyway, we head out toward Elizabethton originally, but eventaully we got back going the direction we should have been going from the start. We finally got to Stickley Farm and went through the corn maze.
It was amazing weather. The sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot. When we went through the maze the first time, we somehow got to the exit in 10 minutes, so we tried it again. The second time we went through, we made another wrong turn and ended up in the entrance again. Finally, on the third time, we made it to all 6 checkpoints and made it to the end. It was a lot of fun. Ryan and I made a good team.
After the corn maze we went back to ETSU. This morning, Ryan came over and he fixed biscuits, which was absolutely yummy! We watched Independence Day and then he left. Right now, I'm taking a short break from studying to blog about this amazing weekend. I have had so much fun! I can't wait til next weekend for homecoming!
Well, I got to get back to studying.
P.S. There are more pictures on my College Pictures link. Just click the link and go to Oct. 20-22, 06 folder.
I am very glad you arent sick today. And you had a fun weekend. You need to tell the trees to stay pretty for just a week and a half so I can see them. They are getting pretty around here too. When I went through the corn maze last week we walked around for a while and then decided just to come out the entrance. Good job for actually finding all the checkpoints. Well, talk to you soon.
Again, I love the added pics with your blog! I am glad that you both are feeling a little more comfortable with exploring the area. There are some great places to visit. Enjoy it while you can!
Love Ya
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