Sunday, December 17, 2006
The Game
I don't watch the Titans much any more because I had given up on them. Today was a great game though! I just wanted to share some of the things that I heard. The Titans may not be the best team in the league, but they are a lot better than most people give them credit for. So what if the offense only had about 100 yards total. I think its better to use your opponents offense to score points for your team because of turn overs than to use your own and risk getting hurt. Anyway, today has been a good day.
Blog later!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Home Sweet Home
Today Ryan and I left around 8:00 am (Eastern Time) to go home. It was a nice drive, not too bad. We had soooo much stuff in our car. Basically enough clothes to last through the month, including work attire, and presents. It was crazy. Before we both went home we stopped at Hume Fogg to visit our sisters and have lunch, as well as visit some previous teachers. It was great to see everyone again. It was like a Class of 2006 reunion. There were so many visitors today. It was fun.
After I dropped Ryan off, I went to Ate Jean's house to visit a little bit. After visiting her and getting some stuff done for potluck tomorrow, we went back home and unloaded all of my stuff. Then!!! We got to go see my new baby cousin, Norah Kate. She was absolutely beautiful. She is so precious. It was great being able to hold her for a little while. It is so nice to have another baby in the family. Speaking of younger cousins, I found out today that Billy, Geri, and the boys are coming to Nashville after Christmas. I'm so excited. Did I mention that I'm so happy to be home with family??
Anyway, just wanted to post a little update. I should have several pictures throughout the break. Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Dead Week
Well the other day, when I happened to be really down, I saw that I got a package at the Housing office. Mom and Dad had sent me an Exam Care Package as well as a Cup of Inspiration. There was lots of snacks and lots of coffee and teas.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Catch Up Time
Alrighty. October. The first weekend of October, Ryan and I went to Gatlinburg with my family. We rented a cabin in practically the middle of nowhere, but it was absolutely gorgeous. We, of course, went to the strip down town to do some shopping, get some fudge and caramel apples. And for the first time, except for Ryan, we went to Dollywood. It was dun. Ryan and I went on the new wooden roller coaster. It was awesome!!! It was a lot of fun. I think the highlight of the whole trip was the food. Mom and Dad cooked for almost every meal. It was a nice break from Main Meal food. We had lots of leftovers to bring back to the dorms. ;)
The next weekend was fall break. I thought it would be a nice time to sleep in and just chill out at home. Boy was I wrong. ;) Not that it was bad, but I was definitely wrong. Appointments here and appointments there. Ah! It was crazy. But every now and then I got some down time to just spend with family. That was nice. Ryan and I left early on Friday to go to Jennifer’s house to PARTY! ;) We had a lot of fun. Dry Ice, food, High School Musical, combined with our group of friends makes for a good time! Sadly, we had to leave early, but it was nice to see good friends from being away for such a long time. Saturday, my family went to church, as usual. And the rest of the week was pretty much hanging out with the family in between appointment times. ;) We left on Wednesday morning. We barely made it to our class at 11:30, but it was worth the extra night at home.

Ok, the next weekend, Ryan and I didn’t have anything planned, but we just bummed around ETSU, preparing for the next weekend which was Homecoming. Both of our families came to ETSU for homecoming. Mom, Dad, Christie, Uncle Wayne, and Grandmama came down on Friday. Hannah was nice and let Christie use her bed while she went home for the weekend. Christie and I talked for hours. It was so much fun. Saturday morning the festivities began. We went all around the campus doing the different activities, like the Haunted house, the Reese Museum, mechanical bull, and the other little booths. We watched the Blue and Gold game at 4.

November was not as busy as October in terms of travel. We had a lot of visitors here at ETSU. The first weekend my good friend, Elizabeth, visited me. We got to catch up on her life at HFA as a senior. I had made a tour for her, so she would have something to do while I had to go to my APS job. She had a lot of fun. She also went to class with me. That weekend was a lot of fun showing her and her parents around and just spending time with people that I haven’t seen in a while. Our next guest was Louden. It was fun just having him around. We had a lot of fun just hanging out, going to Main Meal, and going to the basketball game and other stuff. It was great having him visit.

Basketball season started, so Ryan and I have attended several games. The guys have a pretty good record at home, and we won’t mention the girls’ team right now. One exciting event that Ryan and I attended before Thanksgiving break was the tour of the Anatomy Lab for PMMD and PMMD applicants. We saw cadavers and got to talk to several medical students. Ryan and I had so much fun! Mom can tell you. She has never heard me so excited about something like this in a long time. Going and visiting the lab reaffirmed my career choice. I can’t wait until medical school! Well, enough of that now, I won’t go into details.
Ok, finally, last weekend Ryan and I went home for Thanksgiving. We left on Tuesday afternoon (much earlier than several students on campus) and came back on Sunday night. It was a nice long break. Wednesday I spent time with my Mom. We had a lot of fun. On Thursday, I went to Grandmama’s house and had Thanksgiving lunch. It was so yummy. Dumplins, potato cheese casserole, Grandmama’s bread, Deviled eggs, and so much more. Such a better alternative to Main Meal food. I could eat that stuff forever. We ate that all day. It was very yummy. Friday, Mom and Dad went Black Friday shopping, and bought a lot of stuff as usual, while Christie and I stayed at home, slept in and watched a couple of movies. That night, Ryan and I met up and went to Carly’s house for her birthday party. It was nice to see friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. Saturday, my family went to church. That night was very enjoyable. Mom, Dad, Christie, Grandmama and I went to P.F. Chang’s and then went to TPAC to see the Lion King. It was better than what I expected. Rafiki was my favorite performer. She had an incredible voice. I love that musical! It was awesome! Sunday, Ryan and I had to leave. We visited his aunt and uncle, as well as his Grandmother who was visiting for Thanksgiving. We finally made it back to ETSU around 11. It was a great break.
This week is not too busy. School is wrapping up and I’m already ready for the next break, which leads me to the next couple of pictures. The first one is the view of my door that leads to my room. I have to decorate a little bit. The last picture is going to be a surprise for my mom. Ryan and I set this up tonight. I bought it at Target in the dollar bins! I was so excited and thanks to Ate Glad and Uncle Prom, I got to buy it with my gift card! I still have some left. J Anyway, I will stop for now and I leave you with these two pictures. Hopefully, I will keep up with my blog a little bit better now that school is slowing down.

Love you all!
P.S. Mellie, I’m still working on that 100 list thing. ;) Just haven’t completed it yet.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Wonderful Weekend
First off, I would like to say that I am not sick!!!!!!! Finally, it's about time. This weekend was absolutely amazing. I had so much fun this weekend.
First on Friday, I only had one class after work, so Ryan and I decided to go on a date. We ate at the Stir Fry Cafe because we had heard that it was a great place to eat. It was ok. It's not like home Chinese places. I loved the decor and the way that the resturant was laid out though. It was a nice ambience. Anyway, after dinner we went to go see Gridiron Gang. It is a really good movie. I liked it better than Invicible. The Rock did a great job in it too! Everyone should see it.
On Saturday, Ryan and I went to Johnson City SDA church. It's a small church, but it was really great. The pastor was so nice. He went out of his way just to meet us when we got there, and then to ask us to come back again! So, we concluded that Saturday is going to be our church day, since we like two churches in the area. In the morning, we will go to Johnson City SDA church, and in the evening, we will go to Grace Fellowship. After church, we went to eat at Chili's. Some people would think that we hadn't eaten for several days. It was yummy! We'll go there again sometime, maybe for another date. After that, we had to make our weekly trip to Walmart. ;) After Walmart, we went back to ETSU. He went back to McCord to change and get ready for the corn maze and I went back to Luntsford just to chill out before we went.
We left around 3:30 to go to the corn maze in Bristol. I was really excited because one, I really wanted to go to the corn maze and two we got to see the fall leaves on the way there.
Anyway, we head out toward Elizabethton originally, but eventaully we got back going the direction we should have been going from the start. We finally got to Stickley Farm and went through the corn maze.
It was amazing weather. The sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot. When we went through the maze the first time, we somehow got to the exit in 10 minutes, so we tried it again. The second time we went through, we made another wrong turn and ended up in the entrance again. Finally, on the third time, we made it to all 6 checkpoints and made it to the end. It was a lot of fun. Ryan and I made a good team.
After the corn maze we went back to ETSU. This morning, Ryan came over and he fixed biscuits, which was absolutely yummy! We watched Independence Day and then he left. Right now, I'm taking a short break from studying to blog about this amazing weekend. I have had so much fun! I can't wait til next weekend for homecoming!
Well, I got to get back to studying.
P.S. There are more pictures on my College Pictures link. Just click the link and go to Oct. 20-22, 06 folder.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Well, I'm going home tomorrow for fall I got to go pack. Blog soon!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Continuation of a Sad Sick Day
Cold Remedy
Ok, now onto something more exciting than a cold. Last weekend was great! I went to Gatlinburg with my family. It was great to see them again. We went are Pigeon Forge and we went to Dollywood, which was a first for the family, but not for Ryan. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully, we will get to go there on Spring Break with all of our friends.
I'm so excited about next weekend! Fall Break! Well, I gotta run (if ya couldn't tell with the choppiness of my blog) See ya soon!
Much love,
Sunday, October 1, 2006
Our first excursion
Not much has really happened, just classes, yoga, cleaning my room, and that's about it. Yesterday though we very fun. Ryan and I decided to take our first day trip in East Tennessee. We had picked up so brochures from outside of the Bookstore and we just randomly chose one. We picked Jonesborough, TN. It's about 15 minutes from Johnson City, so not a bad drive.
At first we got on Highway 11 east and we actually pasted the Historic District of Jonesborough, but we kept on driving. It was beautiful. It was pretty nice weather, the sun was shining and it was a nice temperature of 73 degrees. We saw the mountains from a distance and lots of farms. Eventually we turned around and decided to take one more detour before we got back to Jonesborough. We stopped at the Davy Crockett Birthplace State Park. It was cool. Well, the little fishing spot was cool. We also found a place to go camping there. It was nice to be outside.
When we got to Jonesborough we found that it was a strip of stores and that was about it, but it was what we wanted to visit the entire day. We parked and walked down the street. It was great exploring the antique shops, galleries, and other specialty stores. It was so quiant.
That was our day. It doesn't sound like much, but we had a lot of fun. I will upload pictures today. Just click on the link that says College Pictures on the right. Our next expedition will be a corn mae the third weekend in October. :)
Question of the Day (Answer this in a comment please): Ryan and I had been on a movie rush lately. We even have a book to list titles to see or rent. So anyway, what is a must-see-movie that you would recommend for us?
Well, go visit pictures. Blog later!
Love ya,
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Feelin' Great!
Last weekend I got to go home for the first time since I started college for Daddy's birthday! It was so great. Only Mom and Uncle Wayne knew. The looks on my Dad, Ate Jean, and Grandmama's face were priceless. I've never seen my parents smile as much as they did since graduation. It was so great to come home.
The drive was only 4.5 hours, thanks to Ryan. We were just so excited to go home. We arrived in Nashville around 9:30? I can't remember, I was still on ETSU time. Spending time with my family was great! It was also amazing to get a hot shower that actually had decent water pressure.
Sabbath's service was awesome. Pastor Angel is amazing! I love him. Anyone reading this who didn't hear his sermon should go listen to it on the Madison Campus website. He is our new youth pastor and he was great! After church we ate at Olive Garden. Mmmm, really good food! I was so happy. Christie and I took a little expedition to opry Mills that afternoon. I really missed hanging out with her. It was great to see her. (Oh, btw, Christie, if you're reading this, please make a CD of all the the songs that you think I would like that I don't have please! Thank ya sis! ;)). Oh! Daddy's party. I saw a lot of people, well family. It was great. Zack came over. It was great to see him too! (I know I'm using the word great a lot, but it was great!) And just for you Zack...GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even got to talk to Billy Saturday night because our team won! :)
I was sad that I had to leave on Sunday, but it's a little more bearable here now because I know that I get to see my family a lot during October. Even in November I get a little piece of home when Elizabeth comes to see me. I think I will be ok the rest of the semester. No more homesickness posts, knock on wood!
I've heard this question so many times: How was yoga? Well, I didn't go last week because something came up, but I went yesterday! It was amazing. I felt my body getting a workout, but afterwards, I felt completely relaxed. I slept really well last night too! I would go again tomorrow but I have a AMSA meeting that I need to go to. Next week though, I will go both times! I'm so excited.
Well, I've spent a lot of time writing this blog when I should be writing a draft for a paper for English, so I will wrap it up!
This weekend has been the best ever!
Love you guys!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Work out Time!
There's not a whole lot more to say really. For everyone wondering how I'm feeling in terms of health, I'm doing much better. I'm still really cold, but then again it's only 65 degrees here. It's really different. I bet it's in the mid-80s at home. Anyway, not more achiness or sneezing or coughing. Just cold and a little stuffy nose. ;) I'm doing good though. I drink lots of juice and vitamins, which now that I think of it, I need to take some...
Right now, I'm taking a break from studying for my Calculus. Later on today I'm going to work on my picture assignment (I have some of it done Mommy!) Mellie, if you're reading this, how do you put pictures on your blog? Every now and then I have some random ones that I could post with my blog, but I haven't figured it out yet. Thanks!
Well, I got to get back to studying. I will post later.
Love you guys!
P.S. I cooked kielbasa all by myself just a few minutes ago and I didn't burn the dorm down! Yay! It was yummy!;)
Saturday, September 9, 2006
I was so happy to see that Grandmama put in some of her homemade bread in it because I had ran out of milk and it's my roommate's turn to get it this week. Now I have something to eat for breakfast and for snacks, along with the M&Ms. (Someone tell Grandmama that I did get butter yesterday and the Ryan has already eaten half of his loaf. ;)) I got two Sudoku books, the white and green belt books. I had seen these at Barnes & Noble, but I didn't get them because I figured I could play online and just wait til Christmas. Now I have something to do when I feel like procrastinating or just to get my brain going in the mornings. I got several pieces of mail, mostly which were junk mail, but hey I had fun looking at it. I finally got my camera case. Now I have two MS converters (that's not the right word, but I just woke up). And thank you so much Christie for sending me labels! (Yes I'm OCD and anal about organization).
I had two very special things in my package. One of them was a card from my parents. I love cards. They are a real pick-me-up. I keep all of my cards next to my bed to read them when I'm down. Secondly, my yearbook. I must have spent and hour looking at my yearbook. I love pictures, if you guys couldn't telll already. I saw so many pictures of my friends and my sister and Ryan's sister. It was great. I loved it! I even had a signature from Sydney! I was so surprised. And then I reached the back cover, my sister's little note to me. I couldn't help the tears, and I'm trying desperately to hold them back now. It was so sweet. We have both been equally busy so we haven't been able to talk over the phone much. I miss her a lot....
I've figured out that talking to the people that I miss helps a lot. Yesterday, I received some pictures of my Grandmama with the surprise flowers that I sent her for Grandparents' Day. I had to cry. After like 5 minutes, I got a phone call from her. It was great to hear her voice. I was ok again, but I can't wait until October. Later that night was rough, until Daddy called. i talked with him for a long time. It was great, because I hadn't talked to him all week. (The package was good though, because I could imagine him carrying this huge box to the post office and mailing it.) Then I talked to Mommy. It helped a whole lot. After talking for about an hour with my parents, my homesickness began to slowly fade away. It's not as bad today, well right now anyway since it's only 10:00 here.
Well, I need to go take a hot shower and make a grocery run to buy everything that cures the common cold, klennexes, vitamins, gatorade, juice, etc... Well I will write again sometime this weekend.
I love and miss you all so much!!
Monday, September 4, 2006
Labor Day weekend.
(excuse me for all the lower cases, my shift key is being weird so i'm not even going to bother.) well, this weekend was a long weekend and guess what, nobody is here on campus. it was kinda funny, free parking spaces, plenty of places to sit in main meal, and extremely quiet. my roommate went home and ryan's roommate went home, but came back yesterday. i have yet to see my roommate, but i'm expecting her later on tonight. so friday, ryan and i watched a movie at my place. saturday, ryan and i went around johnson city. we went to the mall and to all the little shopping centers since we had nothing to do. we again watched a movie except at the movie theaters. we watched invincible. it's a good movie. anyone who likes football or underdog stories would like this movie. i recommend it to anyone like that. after the movie, we came back to campus and ate dinner at main meal, then watched larry the health inspector at my dorm.
yesterday was great! ryan came over to fix me french toast and kielbasa because i was feeling homesick. normally on sunday, mom fixes breakfast and i read the paper (well the advertisements) with daddy, but now i'm not home so ryan kept me company. we went to grace fellowship church. we both loved it. it's a lot like ryan's church except with instruments and well it's just different. it's smaller than both of our churched, but we like it. after church we went to walmart, the local hangout except for this weekend because everyone went home instead of stay here.
then we went to petsmart...
now before you you make assumptions...well go ahead. ryan and i now own a fish tank. and as of yesterday we own 4 fish and a frog. they're awesome! the frog is what amazes us the most. we saw him at petsmart. we were actually looking for an algae eater and we saw him and he was swimming like crazy. we decided we had to get him, so we did. now you're probably thinking that i have enough stuff to fill up my room, well true. the fish are in ryan's room. hannah might be bringing her fish up today, so our fish are in ryan's room. :) i'm so excited.
as of today, i plan on doing a lot of homework, maybe hit the gym if its open, and i don't know what else. maybe i'll go and buy ryan's birthday gift. (it's his birthday on the 10th. if you want to send him a card or something, leave me a comment and i will email you his po box.) well, this weekend wasn't too bad, it was actually kind of fun!
i will blog soon!
love ya,
Friday, September 1, 2006
Ah Friday!
Classes today were great. I love World history (as I mentioned in previous blogs). The professor is so laid back, but passionate about history in a different way. He's not like Ms. Royal, not that I don't love Ms. Royal. He's just relaxed and ready to teach. I loike him a lot. English has gotten better. I finally see more similarities to other people in my professor. He's really nice i think. Minnick, he's a lot like you and I think that's why i think that I will like his class. ;)
Well, i'm just sitting here in my dorm room. Thinking of something to do before Ryan gets back so we can go work out. I think I might do some laundry. I guess I have to. I'm running out of pants. ;)
Love ya,
P.S. Homesickness is gradually slipping away, well, until everyone seemed to go home today for the holiday. ;(
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My classes
Sunday night I finally felt a strong sense of homesickness and of all places, it hit me at Sonic. lol. I'm ok now. I talked it out with Ryan after I talked with my parents. I really miss me family. I guess if I stay busy it won't be so bad. I'll just have to see.
I guess I'm going to get started on some homework of some kind. Blog later!
Love you all,
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I wonder how tomorrow will be like. We have nothing planned. I take that back. group 7 is planning on taking a tour around campus to find our classes so we don't look like freshmen on Monday looking at the sky as Allie said. Maybe I'll go to Walmart. I think Ryan and I are going to work out. yay! Well, It's extremely late, well, early, so I'm going to bed because I can sleep in today! Yay!!!! I will write more tomorrow.
Love you all,
P.S. Anyone can leave me comments, so please do so I know somebody is reading this blog. ;)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
My First Full Day
Well, I finally bought a cheap memory stick so I can upload pictures (i needed an adapter for my pro duo), so I have pictures on shutterfly. Let me know if you want to see them and you haven't gotten an email yet.
Well, I'm pooped, so I'm going to bed now. I don't have such an early start tomorrow morning, but I need my beauty sleep.
I miss you guys. Love ya! Hope to here from you soon!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
College Time!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
My First Blog
I have to admit, I'm writing this at home right now. I'm not quite at ETSU yet. I leave on Wednesday and I get to move in to Luntsford Apts. on Thursday. I wanted to start a blog like Mellie so anyone can keep up with me while I'm away at college. Feel free to leave me a comment or anything. That would definately make me feel loved! ;) Well, I'm about to go shopping with Auntie Menie, so I will post again, probably on Thursday about how my move went! ;)
Love you all,