Wow! So much has happened since I last blogged! First and foremost, I got engaged! Click here to see pictures. :) The story is on Ryan and my wedding website which will be public soon. :)
Anyway, I wanted to give a little update on my resolutions. I have found that this has been incredibly challenging for me, but I'm not intending to give up!
1.) Good Thoughts Jar I'm doing great on this! I put something in that jar at least once a week. I'm excited to see all of the notes at the end of the year.
2.) Photo Challenge Ok. Haven't done too well as far as my Instagram photos for February through April. Maybe I'll pick this up a little more next month...I do have a trip across the world coming up. Anyway, I am taking more pictures though. I've recently started using SnapChat. It's usually just to send silly pics to some of my fraternity Brothers, so technically I am taking pictures. That counts, right?
3.) Writing Challenge Again, this is kind of on hold for now.
4.) Fitness Challenge every quarter I'm utterly failing at this. The first quarter, I didn't get through the whole month. I got through about half a month as far as abs go. I tried this month on another challenge, but I only got in a few days. Maybe I'll try again next month.
5.) Yoga Challenge Another thing that I'm utterly failing at. :/ I want to get back to yoga!
6.) Healthy Recipe once a month Lately, my life has been bagels, cereal, sandwiches, and yogurt. Not really too much experimenting with food.
7.) Completed craft project once a month I actually completed this for last month! I made my 1920s dress for regional conference. I think it turned out okay (I'm on the right with the teal sash). :) I also have a plan for my craft this month (actually for this week), but it's a surprise gift for a couple of people, so I won't share just yet. :)
8.) Cards I was doing so well. January and February was great. I didn't send any during March. There's still time for me yet for this month!
9.) Bible plan daily So far I'm doing well on this one. I'm going to need to start another plan soon!
10.) Donate monthly So far so good! :) Last month, I donated to the Dominion Regional Conference. In February, I donated to a Brother's company, Squeaky Bicycle Productions. This month, I'm donating to my undergraduate Chapter for formal.
11.) Blog at least twice a month Obviously, since my last post was from February, I haven't been doing too well. Hopefully I'll be better at this!