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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Resolution Check

Since I've already posted this week, I figured it would be time to do a resolution check.  Here we go!

1) Go camping!  Well, we did have some pretty warm weather this past week, but it has definitely hasn't been warm enough to go camping.  I guess this resolution will be on hold until at least April.

2) Bake more.  I think this is somewhat of a success so far.  I have back about 3 dozen cupcakes already this year and at least one cake.  In the upcoming week, I have a plan to bake another cake with Justin.  Someone have any idea of what kind?  Just post a comment.

3) Be more romantic.  Well, hmm.  Really I should have Ryan do a guest post to check on this.  Well, since my resolution, Ryan and I have had at least one date night and another one planned for tomorrow.  This is awesome.  Some people may think, you live together...why do you need a date night?  We may live together, but we don't get to have that quality couple time that everyone thinks.  We have decided to have regular date nights so it's just us. :)

4)  Pretend to be the paparazzi.  Epic fail.  I haven't taken a single picture since my resolutions post.  I haven't even kept my camera in my purse.  It's awful!

5) Have a sit-down dinner party.  Nope.  I've gone out to dinner several times since my original post, but no dinner party.  We haven't had time to clean the house, well except this weekend (which I'll tell you later why I'm not cleaning today).

6) Don't just like it, do it! Another epic fail again.  I haven't even looked at at all.  Maybe I'll get some inspiration for a cake from there.

7) Be more musical.  There's no doubt that I haven't stopped singing in the car, but that's about it.  :/  This one is going to be hard.

8) Read a book or two or more.  I got through Chapter 3 in Steve Harvey's book, but then I had to stop and read for class.  I have one whole book for class completed and today and tomorrow I'll finish another one for class.  If you are interested in business, the book I just finished is called The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement.  I found it pretty interesting and a really good book.  It would have been better if I wasn't so bitter about it being assigned to be read in its entirety in one week.  Oh well.  The next book I have to finish is called  The World is Flat.  It's another business book.  If you read last week's post, then you know I have added another book to this list, The Hunger Games.  Hopefully I can finish it by the time the movie comes out.

9) Share more about me.  I think that I've done that.  Just read me last post.  ;)

10) Blog at least once a week.  So far so good!  I had one slip up, but I made it up by writing two the next week.  Hope everyone is enjoying it!

Ok, now onto why I'm not cleaning today.  I did my first cycling class yesterday.  Last semester, I participated in a study that required me to workout once a day on a stationary bike.  I figured that I had gotten into the swing of working out at least five times a week now and that I should try cycling.  Boy was I wrong!  It was so awful.  My heart and lungs were keeping up just as in every workout that I've done lately, but my legs were killing me.  After the hours class, we did some stretching and my legs felt better...that is until I walked up the stairs of my house.  This morning my knee hurt so bad that the pain is at a level when I was on crutches last time.  Luckily, Advil, ice and elevation are working.  Hopefully a couple days of rest will kept me heal to get back into working out by Monday.

Enough for now.  Time for homework.  :/  Until my next blog!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Have you ever just had a moment where you are in the middle of completing a remedial task and stop and feel completely overwhelmed? 

Ok.  Well, about 30 seconds ago I was simply updating something on my calendar, adding a dinner to this Friday with some PSP friends, when all of the sudden I noticed everything else on my calendar.  Granted, whenever I look at any calendar, I typically see at least one other person's (if I'm looking at my work calendar, I see my boss's calendar and if I'm looking at my personal calendar, I see Ryan's and all of my family's calendars); but just now I noticed that I have soooo much on my own! 

So last week I realized I have two entire books (like 1000 pages) to read for class and I had just promised Christie when she visited that I would start reading the hunger games.  I have two papers due next week.  I have a new class to attend today, which will probably result in another reading assignment and probably another paper.  I am desparately trying to stay on top of my daily work-out schedule.  In the back of my mind, I'm thinking of all of the laundry and dishes I have to put up.  And naturally, I'm trying to have a life outside of school and work!

Oh dear!  I'm overwhelmed.  Now readers, don't be too too concerned, as I am the master of planning and multitasking, so I know I'll get everything done.  But just know, that I'm a little overwhelmed and I had to tell someone, so why not the world. Whew, that felt good to get all of that off of my chest.  Back to reading.

:/  I'll blog later when I have survived this week!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

As promised...

As I promised in my previous post, here is the second post of the week to make up for last week.  This blog post is about the SOPA/PIPA concerns that I have.  What is SOPA/PIPA?  You must not have been online yesterday because all over the internet were protests and website blackout against it.  For example, Google put a black box over it's logo.  Wikipedia completely shut down it's site for the day.  About 25% of the friends on my Facebook feed had the same profile picture that representing what might happen if these bills passed.  Needless to say, I signed the petition against it.

To summarize, the SOPA and PIPA bills would allow censorship of the internet.  Now, please keep in mind that I'm not an expert on this topic, but this is what I gathered from all of the articles that I read before signing the petition.  While I would NEVER recommend Wikipedia for a source on a scholarly paper, I would recommend it if you want some more information about this topic.

Anyway, my thoughts on this is that these two bills could drastically impact the way we live.  Think about simple example...this blog is something that could be censored if those bills passed.  A simple blog.  Something that I do in my spare time for enjoyment could be censored if say I put something offensive/controversial/remotely close to copyright infringement (say like posting a recipe).  My blog could also be taken down if a fellow blogger on the Blogger domain wrote anything like I said above.  Can you imagine that?  That's just one aspect.  Think about Facebook, YouTube, one article even mentioned Etsy would be majorly impacted by the passing of these bills.  That's crazy!

So, what's the purpose of this post.  Well, if you value the content of the Internet and the freedom of speech, sign the petition!  Just Google SOPA/PIPA or look at a "Stop SOPA" Facebook profile picture to find out how. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So, I've noticed that a lot of my blog titles are "Ah!" or some version of them.  Typically, the title means that I haven't gotten to post in a while.  Since my resolution is to blog at least once a week, I post twice this week.  (Oh, dear, it's already Wednesday!)  Anyway...I did start a draft of a post last week, but I ended up deleting it because it wasn't very good.  haha!

So this post is essentially to tell you about my awesome, long weekend.  Christie came to Johnson City for the weekend and we had a fantastic time!  Her previous trips have almost never been as fun simply because I didn't plan anything.  :/  Granted, I had to work most nights and weekends, but this past weekend I actually didn't have to work! 

Back to what we did.  Friday, she came up and the first thing we did was go look at a house that Ryan and I thought we were interested in buying.  Talk about misrepresentation.  Let's just say that at least half of the doors that we tried to open resulted in the door knob in one of our hands!  The agent showing us the house knew nothing about it and didn't even know how to open some of the doors!  Two tips for someone trying to sell their house.  1) Hire a real estate agent that cares about knowing what your property is about.  2) If you're trying to sell your house, don't leave all of your junk all over the place.  It might just say to your buyer that you're a hoarder.  (Yea, this house looked like a hoarder lived in it.)  After the house adventure, we had dinner at Miso's and went back to the house and watched some TV.

Saturday was another eventful day.  We ate brunch at IHOP.  (Thanks, Christie, for the sneak attack and paying for it!)  After that we went shopping at Target, my favorite store ever!  We then watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D!!!  Can I just say, it was better than when we watched it when we were little!  I found it pretty amusing that the audience was composed half of families with young children and the other half were college students our age.  It just goes to show you how much Disney impacted our childhood.  :)   After the movie we headed to Baileys for dinner and to watch the Broncos vs. Patriots game.  It was a lot of fun.

Sunday, Christie and I went shopping!  We shopped til we dropped.  She got a couple of cute things from Charming Charlie's and I got an awesome purse!  (If you see it, you'll be jealous.)  After shopping we went to meet Ryan, Cat and Keith and went downtown to the Charles to attend an event called the Pie Wars.  After having one round of pizza tasting and a couple of hours mingling, we ended up leaving early and went o Baileys for a little bit of trivia. 

Monday was the day that Christie had to leave.  :(  We had an awesome breakfast at Panera, where we saw that realtor!  After breakfast, Christie went home.  The rest of the day, Ryan went to his lab to do some research and attend a meeting and I deep cleaned the living room, did a lot of laundry, and started re-organizing the kitchen.

Well, since I'm posting on my lunch break, I guess I should eat lunch before it's over!  Sorry for more of a recap post.  I just had so much fun and was so happy that my sister got to visit.  I secretly (well not anymore) hopes she goes to ETSU for PT school so we can hang out more!  I'll post another blog later this week.  Readers, if you don't see something by Friday evening, someone better comment/email/text me to remind me to do so.  I need someone to hold me accountable!  :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

Okay. Well, it appears that my last post was viewed at least 20 individual times, so I know some of you out there are reading it. However, only two people commented! Since those who commented are the two most important women in my life, I will go with what they suggested...list time! (Christie, I'll do my best to have fun with it.)

Like the past two years, I will have 10 resolutions and they are in no particular order. All of you need to make sure that I keep them! Here we go.

1) Go camping! I had this on my resolution list last year, but I never did it! Ryan and I have the equipment to go, so dang it even if it is in my backyard or living room, I will go camping!  lol

2) Bake more.  As many of you know, one of my goals (especially for in the next couple of years) is to open a bakery with Justin.  I've already started the business planning side of things (well learning about business and starting a business plan), but I need more of the baking aspect!  Justin and I have been baking and decorating a lot since last year, but this year we (well I know me for sure) need to bake more.  I have lots of recipes and I have only really tried a few.  I also need to refine a few recipes.  Speaking of which, has anyone been watching 2 Broke Girls?  I have and I love it!  On the most recent episode, Max revealed that her cupcakes have always been from a box.  That used to be me!  You can ask anyone who has ever had a cake or cupcake of mine that came from a wouldn't even know, and I've heard they are pretty delish (I'm trying not to sound too conceited but it's not working)!  Anyway, I want to make delicious sweets without the box mix and from scratch.  Eventually, I will be like the bakers on Food Network and bake from scratch without a recipe.  Now, how can all of you help me with this resolution?  Request a sweet from me and/or volunteer to eat whatever I bake!  The hardest thing for me in terms of practicing and trying new recipes is that Ryan and I cannot eat a whole batch of cookies/brownies/cupcakes or a whole loaf of bread or a whole cake every time I want to try something.  If you volunteer to be my guinea pig, I will give you what I bake!  (Trust me, get it now while it's free because eventually it'll cost some money.  :)) Or, if you want to order something specific from us (we did a 300 cupcake gig for my parent's anniversary party), let me know too!

3) Be more romantic.  This one may come across a little strange.  Shouldn't guys be the ones who need to work on their romance?  NO!  I think women need to be more romantic too instead on focusing on dropping hints about how they want their significant other to be romantic.  I have noticed that as Ryan has started an official graduate school program, we pretty much see each other in passing during the week days.  On the weekends, we both catch up on much needed sleep and often we have errands that we have to run.  Anyway, basically, I want us to be able to spend more quality/fun time together and for me to be romantic too!  He doesn't always have to be the one to fix dinner or surprise me with flowers.

4)  Pretend to be the paparazzi.  Once upon a time, I used to love taking, posting, printing and scrapbooking photos.  Now, you're lucky if I have a camera with me.  I want to get back into taking pictures and finally fit into my Asian stereotype (ya know the people who wear cameras around their necks to take pictures of anything and everything?).  So...the goal is to bring my camera with me everywhere.  Maybe I can even do a photo blog post!  Who knows.  How can you keep me accountable with this resolution?  Ask me to take a picture of me and you!

5) Have a sit-down dinner party.  Yes, I'm cheesy.  Ryan and I love to entertain. We have had people over all the time to watch TV/movies, game night, knit 'n bitch, etc., but there has only been one occasion since we moved into our house (3 years ago) when I remember that we sat down at a table and had an entire meal together with Kristina and Emmie (Easter of last year I believe). I want to have another where I cook (Yes, that's right, where I cook and baking a casserole does not count) and we all sit around a table and eat!  Who's with me?

6) Don't just like it, do it!  Ok.  Tell me that you don't have a or account.  Don't know what it is? Look it up and get addicted!  Anyway, I have a Stumbleupon account and have over 150 liked pages.  Most of them are recipes and craft projects, where others are related to business and wedding stuff (you can never plan too far in advance).  However, out of all of those pages, I can honestly say I have done only one.  ONE!  It was a recipe for cheesecake strawberries.  Anyway, it's time to actually do what I liked.  I guess it's time to actually pick up sewing.  ;)

7) Be more musical.  Many of you may not know this, especially if we met in college, but I am a classically trained flutist and I used to sing in choir (yea, back in middle school, but I won a couple of awards so I think that counts).  Anyway, since I moved to Johnson City, both have seemed to disappear in my life.  I still have my flute and plenty of sheet music, but the last time I played was a couple of years ago.  As far as singing...well I sing in the car...when I'm by myself...and on the interstate...when no one's looking.  Yes, I'm a nerd, but I don't know why I've become so shy when it comes to singing.  Anyway, back to the resolution.  I want to pick both back up.  But, I'm not making any promises for karaoke!

8) Read a book or two or more.  Most everyone knows that I hate to read.  I have never liked reading and I doubt that I will ever be a book worm.  The only time I ever read is for class or work, but never leisure reading.  Even the blogs or articles that I read online have some sort of purpose, not just for fun.  Anyway, I have two books that are sitting on my shelf that have been loaned to me.  One is Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey (from my mom) and the other is Onward by Howard Schlutz (from Christie).  My goal is to have the first one read before the movie comes out.  I would like to finish the other one before the summer begins, but that might just be a book that I bring on the plane to the Philippines to read.  If I finish both before the summer, then I guess I can start reading those other books that are currently collecting dust on my bookshelves.

9) Share more about me.  One thing that Mom posted in her comment is that blogging for her is more soul-searching.  There are several reasons why people post updates about family news, practice writing, and give people an opportunity to get to know who the blogger is.  I want to do all of the above.  A couple of weeks ago, I read through a lot of my old posts.  My tagline even says, "a narrative of a college grad".  Anyway, since now I have to manually post a link to my news feed on Facebook (dang you new Facebook!) I want to provide an opportunity to be real and for people to get to know me better.  That'll be a little difficult because I'm fairly shy and keep a lot to myself, especially how I feel and think about certain things.  I'm going to challenge myself to be a little more open and hopefully have all of you get to know me a little better.  That leads me to my last resolution...

10) Blog at least once a week.  That's right...I was specific on this one.  The last two years I put blog more, which depending on what you define "more" as could mean anything.  Once a week, at least.  I'll even add not to include a post that only does a resolution check does not count!  This one I really need someone to hold me accountable!

There ya go.  I have 10 resolutions.  Hopefully I can keep them all!  I thought of an idea while in the waiting room at the doctor's office today...does anyone else want to start a blog or continue blogging?  When I was   thinking about blogging, I looked into an option to get daily prompts for some inspiration for blog posts.  I didn't find any that actually stuck to a daily or even a weekly blog post prompt.  Anyway, I would be interested in typing up some random questions/prompts for a daily/weekly blog post.  However, I don't want to do it if no one is going to blog.  Okay...convincing time...If you started a blog 1) it would give you something to do when your bored 2) it will help your writing in general 3) it would allow me and others to get to know you better 4) it'll be fun!  Let me know if you start one and I'll add you to my blogroll ->

Okay.  That's enough post for now.  Check back next week for a blog post!