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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm back!

Ah!  It’s been so long…where to begin?

Okay.  So let’s just pick up where I left off.

The biggest event that happened in June was when I received a job offer.  I was actually very surprised that I got a call for an interview because the application for this particular position was submitted in early February.  I figured that I just hadn’t gotten the job and that it was taking some time to send me yet another rejection letter.

Anyway, my job…I work for East Tennessee State University in the Department of Chemistry.  Every time I say that to someone, they ask me if I’m a professor.  I always laugh.  Me…can you imagine me being a Chemistry professor?  Ha!  Anyway, I’m the Executive Aide of the department.  I do pretty much anything that I’m needed to do, like paperwork, course building, permits, interacting with students, budgeting, you name it and I probably do it. 

The interesting part of the first few weeks of the job was that my boss was out of vacation my first two weeks.  It was kinda weird because I didn’t really have anyone to ask questions or get instructions as to what I needed to do.  On the other hand, it was kind of nice to be able to get familiar with everything in the department.  As you know me, I began making a list of projects to complete before the school year.  More about the job later…

Other than work over the summer, I officially began my MBA program.  I took three classes over the summer, which by the way is an awful idea especially with starting a new job.  I did fairly well though.  One of my classes had only one other person, which was interesting.  Overall, summer school was not too bad.

I didn’t do a whole lot of traveling in the summer simply because of the new job.  I did get to go to Gulf Shores for my uncle’s wedding at the end of June.  I was very fortunate that I could take off work within just a few weeks of starting.

Beginning of Fall Semester:
Back to the job…Everyone told me that August would be very busy because of the start of school.  I didn’t really believe them, until August 1 came along!  It was so busy and non-stop for a few weeks.  Luckily, I had a few months of preparation time before the madness happened.

School for me started at the end of August.  I am part-time as of right now (long story for another post).  I am taking two classes:  Accounting Information for Decision Making (way long title for a class the we meet for maybe a third of the time for) and Economics for Managers (thank God for AP Econ at HFA).  Being part time has been very weird especially compared to the summer classes where I had something due every day!  Hopefully it doesn’t get too hectic by the end of the semester.

This month was booming!  The first weekend was the huge celebration of Mom and Dad’s 25th anniversary.  It was a blast!  It was nice being able to see everyone.  A huge first for that particular weekend was Justin and my first gig as bakers!  We baked over 200 cupcakes for the big celebration.  We had a great system going.  We learned a lot too.  Can’t wait for the next time!

The other major occurrence during this month is that I followed in my sister’s foot steps and signed up to be a participant in an NIH research study!  It turns out that I was an excellent fit to this diabetes study (don’t worry I don’t have diabetes).  Short explanation of what this study entails: Cycling work out every day for 30 minutes (except weekends) and a mid-section workout on Wednesday.  At the beginning and end of the work out routine, I am tested via VO2Max, BodPod, glucose-insulin test and muscle biopsy.  So far it has been challenging at some points, but so far I’m enjoying getting into some good habits.  I’m almost done with the work out routine, so testing will be in a couple of weeks.  Hopefully I’ve shown some improvement from where I originally started!

Well, honestly, that has been my life for the few months since I blogged last.  Hopefully I will get back into the swing of blogging again.  So, look for posts about the following soon!
-Phi Sigma Pi Alumni Life
-Plans for the Holidays
-Updates on work life
-Update on resolutions (yikes!)
-New resolutions
-Other fun stuff!!

Leave me a comment of anything you want me to write about.