Wedding Countdown

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Quit.

Ok.  Sit down.  Well, ok that isn't really a good thing to say since you are probably sitting at your computer reading this blog, whether on the blog website or Facebook.  Anyway...I'm babbling.  This is going to be a slightly different style of post than my usual...

I did what every college graduate does NOT do...I quit my job.  Today was my last day.  I won't go into the details on the blog, mainly because I feel like that would be a tad inappropriate and unprofessional, but if you just can't stand not knowing why send me an email or FB message.

How do I feel now?  Well, I feel a lot of things.  Free.  Terrified.  Hopeful.  Excited.  Pumped.  Ambitious.  Sad.  Lonely. 

What's next? is still what I'm doing now.  I'm currently searching for a full-time job.  Something preferably full-time, in a business field (I could deal with medical again), and enough pay to help pay the bills and save for the future.  So if ya know anyone or any company interested in me, you know how to get a hold of me. 

Have I lost my mind?  Probably, but I am a huge believer in acting based upon principle.  That may seem naive, stupid, etc., but I've always done it and I always will.  Plus, it's nice to have family support me in my decisions.

Until the new job?  I hope to get ahead in what's left of my school semester.  I plan on having excellent weekends since I've never really had a weekend that I didn't ask off for.  My sister is coming up this weekend and my parents the next.  I plan on spending more time with my best friends from my now former work, as this is a strange transition for them as well.  House wife, homemaker, personal maid, etc.  Yea, I'm going to clean the house top to bottom.  You know, spring cleaning.  I'm going to attempt to have dinner on the table for Ryan at least once before he comes home from work.  Truly come to a better understanding of how awesome Grandmama was for making the home her life...and then hopefully soon...

I'll be back to the crazy busy, constantly working, completely stressed (but the type of stress for a Type A personality), juggling school, work and social life schedules NORMAL life.

Say a small prayer for me please.