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Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

With the 2012 right around the corner, I've been thinking a lot about my past resolutions. (See all the way at the bottom of this post).  In 2010, I was able to complete 6 out of 10 resolutions.  This past year...well...I haven't really thought of how to really sum how well (or not well) I did. recap of the past year.  
January: Stress, school, work
February: Visit family for Mom's birthday, stress, school, work
March: Spring break with Christie and Ryan, stress, school, work
April: quit job, random get-away-from-it-all trip with my best friend, 23rd birthday, stress, school, work
May: graduated with certificate, applied for jobs, look for change in the sofa, went home, stress (different than from above because no more work and MBA schooling)
June: start new job, stress (from new job and MBA school balancing act)
July: still at awesome new job, less stress
August: work, little stress because of school starting for fall semester
September: Mom and Dad's 25th wedding anniversary (super weekend of fun that included 300 cupcakes), Daddy's birthday, Ryan's birthday, school, work
October: school, work
November: school, work, Christie's birthday, Thanksgiving in the mountains of NC
December: school ends for the semester, PAID HOLIDAY VACAY (I'm currently home for the holidays), Christmas, awesome family time!!!!

So, if you couldn't tell from the mini recap, this past year has been soooooo crazy.  I can cross off at least four of the items on my resolutions list that I couldn't accomplish simply because too many major life events happened to even think about accomplishing them.  What I can say is that I am truly happier than I was a year ago and obviously happier than who I was two years ago.  Here's where the mushy personal feelings stuff comes out in my blog post.  Feel free to skip to the line break (if I can figure out how to put one in seamlessly).  Anyway...I feel as though this was the year to show who I have become, who I am, and who I plan to be.  That's kind of a vague statement, but if you asked me back in January 2010 how I've grown over the year, who I was, or where I was going, I would have told you, "I don't know and I don't care to know."  The sad reality is that it's true!

Obvisouly, I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately...probably more so this past week because I've gotten to rest a lot and have done quite a bit of yoga.  Anyway...I feel like I've matured so much over the last year.  I know what I want to do with my life or really at least the direction I want to go in.  I have friends around me who support me, not just me, but my goals in life, my dreams of what I could do with my life.  Now, I cannot discredit those who were close friends of mine earlier in the year that I have grown apart from simply due to logistics.  They have played a lot of how I've grown, especially in the past six months.  

Now, how do I know that I've matured and that my life is headed in the right direction?  1)  I'm happy!  I have never been more excited to go to work everyday.  I've never been so interested in learning something that I'm getting my degree in.  I'm not just learning, but I'm applying that new found knowledge into everyday!  I have been able to spend time with family and friends more than ever since I started college.  2) I'm doing grown up things.  I currently have that personal  and emergency savings account that I've always said I would work toward.  The only debt to my name is a small amount of student loans (I say small, because it is incredibly small for someone who have a 4 year BS degree, a certificate, and already two summer terms and a semester into a graduate program under their belt.)  I've thought about investing and retirement (I know...what has business school done to me).  3)  I seriously began drawing up some plans for a future business venture.  Thanks to some fabulous Christmas gifts, I already have some supplies to add to the business's assets.  :)  I have even thought about an investment opportunity...more details hopefully to come.

So now ask what are my resolutions for 2012.  Well, to be honest, I don't know.  I have learned that in the past writing down (or really typing up) some resolutions can be helpful in keeping them.  It offers a sense of accountability, even if there isn't anyone reading this blog.  However, in the past, sometimes resolutions have to be just erased from being major priorities when major life events occur, like a job change.  So...I leave it to you,the reader.  Should I make a list of resolutions?  If so, should I have ten like I have had in the past two years?  Or should I just list as many as I think necessary?  Should I be specific or general?  You tell me.  One thing I do want to do is blog more, but I want to know that I have some sort of an audience because it would be peace of mind that I'm not just blogging to blog.  I read a blog a couple of days ago (she probably doesn't even know that I read it) and I loved it because I got to know her better  (The author is a new friend that I met early in the semester.).  Originally, the idea of my blog was so that I could inform family and friends what I was doing all the way out in Johnson City.  Since now it is mostly, work, school, sleep...I need something else to write about.  Tell me what you want to hear from me.  I want it to be a little more like a conversation. If you want, you can submit a comment anonymously or use formspring to ask me a question.  But, please comment on the questions at the beginning of this paragraph!  Thanks for reading!

New Year's Resolutions 2010:
1.) Try not to get upset when life has a few unexpected bumps.
2.) Realize that plan b or c or d may work out for the best. 
3.) Lose at least 35 lbs. before graduation by eating better and exercising.  
4.) Make all A's this semester. 
5.) Take more pictures. 
6.) Call my parents more often. 
7.) Send birthday cards.
8.) Have more laughs and smiles than "grr" moments.
9.) Save some money. 
10.) Blog more. 

New Year's Resolutions 2011:
1. Keep up the good work on all of the successful New Year's Resolutions from 2010.  
2. Don't let too many things go to the back burner.  Keep making progress on dwindling down the to-do lists.  
3. Become a healthier me.  
4. Call my parents more and visit more than just holidays.  
5. Send cards.  
6.Quit smoking.
7.Go to church more often.  
8.Go Camping!  
9. Finish my craft projects.
10. Continue to blog about life. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm back!

Ah!  It’s been so long…where to begin?

Okay.  So let’s just pick up where I left off.

The biggest event that happened in June was when I received a job offer.  I was actually very surprised that I got a call for an interview because the application for this particular position was submitted in early February.  I figured that I just hadn’t gotten the job and that it was taking some time to send me yet another rejection letter.

Anyway, my job…I work for East Tennessee State University in the Department of Chemistry.  Every time I say that to someone, they ask me if I’m a professor.  I always laugh.  Me…can you imagine me being a Chemistry professor?  Ha!  Anyway, I’m the Executive Aide of the department.  I do pretty much anything that I’m needed to do, like paperwork, course building, permits, interacting with students, budgeting, you name it and I probably do it. 

The interesting part of the first few weeks of the job was that my boss was out of vacation my first two weeks.  It was kinda weird because I didn’t really have anyone to ask questions or get instructions as to what I needed to do.  On the other hand, it was kind of nice to be able to get familiar with everything in the department.  As you know me, I began making a list of projects to complete before the school year.  More about the job later…

Other than work over the summer, I officially began my MBA program.  I took three classes over the summer, which by the way is an awful idea especially with starting a new job.  I did fairly well though.  One of my classes had only one other person, which was interesting.  Overall, summer school was not too bad.

I didn’t do a whole lot of traveling in the summer simply because of the new job.  I did get to go to Gulf Shores for my uncle’s wedding at the end of June.  I was very fortunate that I could take off work within just a few weeks of starting.

Beginning of Fall Semester:
Back to the job…Everyone told me that August would be very busy because of the start of school.  I didn’t really believe them, until August 1 came along!  It was so busy and non-stop for a few weeks.  Luckily, I had a few months of preparation time before the madness happened.

School for me started at the end of August.  I am part-time as of right now (long story for another post).  I am taking two classes:  Accounting Information for Decision Making (way long title for a class the we meet for maybe a third of the time for) and Economics for Managers (thank God for AP Econ at HFA).  Being part time has been very weird especially compared to the summer classes where I had something due every day!  Hopefully it doesn’t get too hectic by the end of the semester.

This month was booming!  The first weekend was the huge celebration of Mom and Dad’s 25th anniversary.  It was a blast!  It was nice being able to see everyone.  A huge first for that particular weekend was Justin and my first gig as bakers!  We baked over 200 cupcakes for the big celebration.  We had a great system going.  We learned a lot too.  Can’t wait for the next time!

The other major occurrence during this month is that I followed in my sister’s foot steps and signed up to be a participant in an NIH research study!  It turns out that I was an excellent fit to this diabetes study (don’t worry I don’t have diabetes).  Short explanation of what this study entails: Cycling work out every day for 30 minutes (except weekends) and a mid-section workout on Wednesday.  At the beginning and end of the work out routine, I am tested via VO2Max, BodPod, glucose-insulin test and muscle biopsy.  So far it has been challenging at some points, but so far I’m enjoying getting into some good habits.  I’m almost done with the work out routine, so testing will be in a couple of weeks.  Hopefully I’ve shown some improvement from where I originally started!

Well, honestly, that has been my life for the few months since I blogged last.  Hopefully I will get back into the swing of blogging again.  So, look for posts about the following soon!
-Phi Sigma Pi Alumni Life
-Plans for the Holidays
-Updates on work life
-Update on resolutions (yikes!)
-New resolutions
-Other fun stuff!!

Leave me a comment of anything you want me to write about.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Graduation Season

Hello world!

It's been a little while since I've blogging last, but to be honest, not a whole lot has happened since then.  However, I wanted to write a post inspired by the "Life Lessons" section of the Real Simple Magazine May issue.  It's about graduates.  I figured since the title of my blog is what it is (for those reading of FB take a look at the actual blog) and that Saturday marks a year since I graduated college, I should probably write about graduation.

The title of the section I read was along the lines of "What NOT to say to a recent college graduate".  I was very curious, as my adopted (not like on paper) brother, Alex, is graduating in a couple of weeks (CONGRATS!).  I found that as I read, the more memories of emotions from graduation popped into my head.  Not so much the happy memories.  In the article, five questions or statements are featured, all of which I heard when I graduated.  So, before I continue...if you are attending a graduation, keep these in mind.  Graduation is not only a very exciting, relieving, happy time, but it can also be the scariest time for people my age.

1) "What can you do with that degree?"
Well thank you for asking what my Biology degree will do now that I'm not going to medical school...let's in a laboratory, maybe...or go back to school.  I hated this question.  The article suggests that a better question is "What have you learned that will help you do what you enjoy?"  I would agree with this, despite the fact that my answer would have been to hold intellectual conversation with my boyfriend and Phi Sigma Pi Brothers still in that field.  :) 

2) "You should go to law school."
This one kinda cracked me up especially because one person came to mind when i read this (To that person who will remain nameless, I still love you.)  If I wanted to go to law school, my major wouldn't be Biology.  The article states that many go to law school because they think they have to in order to be successful.  In my opinion, if you want to go to law school, go for it!  If you don't, then chances are you probably will not find it as enjoyable or rewarding as going into something that you truly love.

3) "Do you have a job lined up?"
Ha!  Kinda funny, especially in my life now where I'm currently looking for a job.  While I find the question funny when I first read it, in reality this is probably the most terrifying aspect of being a college graduate.  The question that I have always asked myself is where are the jobs that I'm mostly likely to get now that I have a college degree?  The answer: Not always readily available at the moment you graduate or the moment you need it.  The article suggests "offer them any industry connections you have", which is especially nice for people who need a job say a year after completing college. ;)

4) "The economy has been bad before.  You'll get through it."
The article doesn't suggest much other than offering advice through (which if you don't have one and are graduating, get one!).  I would just avoid anything like this statement all together.  "You'll get through it," is great and all, until you receive that letter talking about paying off student loans (which thank God I don't have) or bills that come in that you don't have those student loans/scholarships to pay for. 

5) "My fill-in-the-blank relative just got out of college, and she's doing great!'
Fantastic!  That just makes me feel even more insecure and scared that I'm not doing all I can to be "doing great".  At least that's what I really wanted to say a year ago. Encouragement is great, if you don't have to bring up anyone else. Fact: The average time for an ETSU to graduate with a bachelor's degree is now five years, instead of the traditional four.  I would have loved to receive encouragement that said: Ya know, you completed your degree in 4 years, which is impressive.  I know you will be able to continue your career as successfully as obtained your degree.  Let me know how I can help.  That would have been amazing.

Now...before some people get fairly upset with this post, I do want to say that my graduation was awesome.  Having family members that came to Johnson City was probably the best feeling I had when I started this new chapter of my life. 

But anyway, if you are graduating in the upcoming months, CONGRATULATIONS on an awesome accomplishment!  If you have any question, need advice, need someone to listen or anything, especially within this next year, call/email/text me.  I'm here for ya!  If you are attending a graduation in the next month, think about what you're going to say and what you shouldn't say.  This is a time for celebration and welcome to the next chapter in life, not a reminder of how scary the unknown future it.

Will blog soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Quit.

Ok.  Sit down.  Well, ok that isn't really a good thing to say since you are probably sitting at your computer reading this blog, whether on the blog website or Facebook.  Anyway...I'm babbling.  This is going to be a slightly different style of post than my usual...

I did what every college graduate does NOT do...I quit my job.  Today was my last day.  I won't go into the details on the blog, mainly because I feel like that would be a tad inappropriate and unprofessional, but if you just can't stand not knowing why send me an email or FB message.

How do I feel now?  Well, I feel a lot of things.  Free.  Terrified.  Hopeful.  Excited.  Pumped.  Ambitious.  Sad.  Lonely. 

What's next? is still what I'm doing now.  I'm currently searching for a full-time job.  Something preferably full-time, in a business field (I could deal with medical again), and enough pay to help pay the bills and save for the future.  So if ya know anyone or any company interested in me, you know how to get a hold of me. 

Have I lost my mind?  Probably, but I am a huge believer in acting based upon principle.  That may seem naive, stupid, etc., but I've always done it and I always will.  Plus, it's nice to have family support me in my decisions.

Until the new job?  I hope to get ahead in what's left of my school semester.  I plan on having excellent weekends since I've never really had a weekend that I didn't ask off for.  My sister is coming up this weekend and my parents the next.  I plan on spending more time with my best friends from my now former work, as this is a strange transition for them as well.  House wife, homemaker, personal maid, etc.  Yea, I'm going to clean the house top to bottom.  You know, spring cleaning.  I'm going to attempt to have dinner on the table for Ryan at least once before he comes home from work.  Truly come to a better understanding of how awesome Grandmama was for making the home her life...and then hopefully soon...

I'll be back to the crazy busy, constantly working, completely stressed (but the type of stress for a Type A personality), juggling school, work and social life schedules NORMAL life.

Say a small prayer for me please.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Short Update

So...I've been thinking about blogging for quite some time lately, especially since I haven't really blogged in almost 2 months!  I have had a little bit of writer's block lately.  (Maybe my bro, Zack, the writer can give me a few tips on how to get over that!)  Anyway, I have two papers that I have needed to work on and April is now crunch time both.  One is the research paper that I discussed in my previous post.  Oh well, maybe a little blogging will inspire me a little bit to actually work on those papers at least get several pages written.

Speaking of inspiration...I attended an executive briefing on Friday mainly because one of the professors that I work for as a tuition scholar requested me to be there.  I went to the event with a "this is going to be so boring" attitude, which is fairly unusual for me.  Surprisingly, I found the lecture from the guest speaker, Tom Rath, to be incredibly engaging and inspirational!  I bought both of his latest books on site and had him sign both!  (This may not seem like a big deal, but if you know me you would know that I do NOT, seriously, do not read books.)  Not only did I buy them, but I read both within 24 hours.  Huge accomplishment for me!  Anyway, the books talk about personal strengths and how to use those strengths to become better people, better leaders and better business people (which was the primary focus of the lecture).  I took the test and found my 5 strengths to be: Discipline, Strategic, Achiever, Futuristic and Focus.  So, if you're interested the books are Strengths Finder 2.0 and Strengths based Leadership by Tom Rath. 

School has gone very well.  I have straight A's so far, which is excellent, especially compared to last semester.  I am enjoying my classes very much.  However, there is a downside to enjoying the topics in my classes...the more I enjoy what I'm learning the more frustrated and disappointed I am at work.  I won't divulge too much information about what specifically, but let's just say I have learned that there is a lot more to business than making money.  Making money is really just a perk of business...people are what matter and what is most important to a business...after all without people there isn't money to be made in business.  Oh well, enough of my business philosophy.

So, that's my short update on the major happening in life lately.  Hopefully I can write a blog about the amazing adventure of spring break with Christie and Ryan and all of the exciting things to come in April (like me becoming even older...23 on the 15th!).  Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.  :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Finally I have gotten a chance to blog!  I have been thinking about blogging for quite a while.  Lately, I have been fairly busy with school and work, as usual, with an occasional "not feeling well" day.  Not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote and I will do a Resolution recap so you readers can check up on how I'm doing.  Anyway, there are only a couple of things that have been super exciting in my life. 

First, I was able to surprise my mom for her birthday at the end of January (Check out her blog post ---->)  Anyway, Christie and I had planned it all out that I would come home after work and meet Mom, Dad, and Christie at the Melting Pot in Nashville.  It was very funny because Mom was just chatting away with Christie as I walked down the stairs and stood in front of her for about 5 seconds before she realized it was me.  She was so happy!  It was great being able to come home to celebrate her birthday.  Mom was especially relieved to have an extra set of hands to help with the Mission of Hope booth the next day at church.  (If you don't know what the Mission of Hope is, you must ...I mean MUST...check out the Mission of Hope Website.  I made it so I'm a little proud of it!)  Anyway, later that evening we went to go see Shrek the Musical at TPAC.  It was absolutely amazing!  I think it was funnier than the movie.  I highly recommend seeing it if if comes to your area.  It was such a great weekend.  I wish I could have spent some more time at home.

The second exciting thing is that Christie, Ryan and myself are going on a cruise for Spring break!!!  :)  I'm very excited about this.  I must give a shout out to my mom for finding a great deal for us.  Christie and I had spent hours trying to figure out where we wanted to go and how to spend the week.  Naturally, when we looked at the cost of any of our ideas, it came to well over a grand for the 3 of us to go anywhere (not including food!).  But, Mom came to the rescue and found a great cruise at an unpublished rate.  I don't know how she does it.  She needs to teach me (hint, hint, nudge, nudge).

The last exciting thing going on in my life, well at least I find exciting, is a research paper that I am writing for my management class.  I'm not going to quite disclose what it's about, but just know it involves the industry I'm currently working in.  My professor has been working with me already about my research and I have been more diligent at doing my research than I was in my undergraduate years.  My goal is to get published with this research paper.  (Who would have thought that I would ever say that!)  I do have my reasons for wanting to be published, but I have had a little inspiration from a friend who is heavily into research in his graduate studies in Psychology, Zack Barnes.  I've always admired him for his drive to do research in his field, and now I get to do a little of that as well.  :)

Ok...I guess its time for the New Years' Resolution Update:
1.)  Keep Up the Good Work on all of the successful 2010 Resolutions.  So far, I think I'm doing pretty well at these.  In my opinion the successful  resolutions have become habits, so hopefully I will continue to go on track with these.
2.)  Don't let too many things go to the back burner.  I have been pretty successful with completing all of my to do lists.  I am doing great and keeping up with the school work.  My house is clean, deep cleaned in most rooms!  I have even had 2 of my annual doctor's visits already.  Oh wait...come to think of it I still need to get that blood work done to complete that basic check-up.  Hold on let me put that on my calendar...
3.)  Become a healthier me.  This one has been a little hard the past couple of weeks.  I have to say it's been a while since I've worked out.  Hopefully I can jump back on track once some things settle down.  I also hope to go to that Weekend Warrior Yoga this Saturday.  I guess it depends on my work schedule.  Anyway, since that last time I did an update, I have lost 10 lbs.  I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks, so hopefully I have lost a little more since then.  I can say that I am fitting into the jeans that are a size smaller comfortably.  :)  I think I'm getting there.  My new doctor thinks so anyway.  Hopefully by the next time I can give you more of an update. 
4.)  Call my parents more and visit more often than holidays.  Well I went home at the end of January which is awesome!  I do get to talk to my parents more often than I did last semester.  I haven't been able to call Christie as often however, due to our crazy conflicting schedules.  Sometime I get to talk to her online, during class :/  We'll work on that...
5.)  Send Cards.  Ok.  Hopefully, Mr. Dave E. got his birthday card in the mail last month as well as my mom this past week.  I'm soooo excited about this!  My co-worker, Nate, and I are going to send out good-ole-fashioned Valentine's to our other co-workers.  I'm pretty excited about that.  Hopefully I can find some cool ones. 
6.)  Quit smoking.  Ha.  I love this one.  For those just tuning into my blog this week, I am not, nor have I ever, been a smoker.  However, one of my best friends and co-workers, Justin, quit on January 1.  He hasn't had a cigarette since!  I think I have been fairly supportive (you would have to ask him).  I can say that I am super proud that he has come this far!!!  I believe in a couple of weeks he steps down to a lower level on his patch.  Hopefully it's not too too difficult.  I'll be there though even if it is.
7.)  Go to church more often.  I cannot lie about church.  This has been difficult for me so far.  I've slacked a little on the devotional readings and really going to church when I went home was the last time I went.  I need a little bit of prayer for this one.  I can say I pray more...not that I ever stopped praying, but I have prayed more and not just when I need something.  Hopefully this can change...soon.
8.)  Go camping.  We will table this until at least April.
9.)  Finish my craft projects.  Well I did get a chance to knit a couple of rows about two weeks ago on a scarf that is way over due.  I would really have to micromanage in order to fit this in.  I may have to wait until Spring Break or the summertime before I can really work on this resolution.
10.)  Continue to blog about life.  Well readers, I think you are the judge of this.  :)

Well...that's about it so far.  Crazy busy life, but I can definitely say that I'm enjoying almost every aspect.  :)  Have a great week and hopefully I can blog again soon!

P.S.  Who tried my smoothie recipe?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recipe I had to share

As you readers know, I'm currently on the South Beach diet as part of keeping with my New Years' resolution to be healthier. Well Ryan and I have come along several new recipes, but this one was sooo delicious I couldn't keep it to myself. In the mornings, sometimes I feel a little rushed so I can't exactly eat a serving of eggs and turkey bacon, let alone wait for it to cook. So, this recipe has been a blessing for those busy mornings.  Try it.  Ya never might like it!

Morning Mocha Smoothie
1 cup of vanilla, low-fat yogurt (if you get plain then it isn't as sweet)
1/2 half of 1% milk
2 tbsp of chocolate syrup (yep, this is part of my diet)
Instant coffee, to taste
6-10 ice cubes
*1 tbsp of peanut butter: This isn't part of the original recipe, but Ryan and I like this extra yumminess.

You can find the original recipe in South Beach Diet: Supercharged under Day 14 of Phase 1.

Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1: Recap

Ok.  So, not too too much to recap, but I figure that the first week is the hardest to keep New Years' Resolutions.  So let's see how I've added up so far.
1. Keep up the good work on all of the successful New Year's Resolutions from 2010.  Well, so far I think I have continued to be successful in these.
2. Don't let too many things go to the back burner.  Keep making progress on dwindling down the to-do lists.  No, Mom, I haven't made that doctor's appointment yet, but that's partially because I don't have the new insurance card.  So, that's still at the top of one of my many to-do lists.  Maybe I'll research that a little more today.  But!  I have crossed off clean the house...well pick up the house.  My living room, kitchen (minus one load of dishes), hallway, room, and bathroom are all picked up.  Pledge and my vacuum will be my best friend today.  That'll be it in terms of cleaning.  I will need to reorganize, but at least it's clean for now.
3. Become a healthier me.  I have worked out a total of 4 times since the last time I posted using the EA Active 2 game for the Wii.  Now let me just give you a little review, and Ryan can totally back me up on this, it is a real workout.  If you are truly looking to get in shape and work out but don't have the money for the gym, or walking isn't cutting it, or the Wii Fit is only good for having some fun, then this is the game for you!  (Gosh, I sound like a salesperson. Good thing I'm going into Business.)  I get so much out of my workouts and I'm having a lot of fun.  In addition to working out, I have been drinking lots of water, which is something that I have always been horrible about doing.  I'm at least up to 6 glasses a day.  :) In addition to working out, I have been eating much healthier.  Ryan and I are currently following the South Beach diet.  We both have been successful on this diet before so we are trying it again.  I haven't really been craving too much, not sweets surprisingly.  I have been craving chicken wing, garlic Parmesan chicken wings with some ranch dressing.  I know, that's very specific, but that's what I want.  Ryan and I will be on Phase 1 of the diet for another week, then we can start reintroducing good carbs and fruits.  Yay!
4. Call my parents more and visit more than just holidays.  So I think I have done better.  I have called Mom at least 4 times this week, which is better than 1 or none.  In terms of visiting, well, hopefully soon.  We will just have to plan on that later...
5. Send cards. Well, it's only been a week and I haven't had anyone to send cards to!  I do have one particular birthday coming up in the family in the next couple of weeks and then a very special one on the 3rd of February (cough:Mom:cough).  Let's see how I do come week 3.
6.Quit smoking As of today, Justin has been smoke free for 9 days!!!!!  :)  I have given 1 inspirational quote of the week so far (I hope he realizes it was from me).  I am just so proud.  It is nice because now it's not just me supporting, his step-dad, and his boyfriend are quitting at the same time.  I'm so proud of all of them!  :)
7.Go to church more often. tomorrow?  Maybe?  I can say that I have been reading my devotional book and this other Christian book in the mornings when I get up.  That is better than before.  I am starting to reconnect more.  I won't go too much into my testimony quite yet, maybe some other post.
8.Go Camping!  Considering it's about 9 degrees outside, at least 2 inches of snow on the ground with a 50% chance of more snow tonight, then 100% chance on Monday, there's no way I have even started on this resolution.  Check back on this one around April.
9. Finish my craft projects.  Almost bought some fabric to make those place mats, but I decided to pass.  I've been focused on some of my other resolutions so this one kinda goes on the back burner.  :/  I know, one of my resolutions is not to let things sit on the back burner.  It won't be too bad for one week...right...right?
10. Continue to blog about life. Well, readers, how do you think I'm doing on this one?  :)  I kid.  I kid.  I actually enjoy blogging.  I just wish I had a little more to write about other that what I think is my boring life.  I guess in the future I'll have things to write about like having a house, weddings, babies (no I'm not pregnant so don't start the rumors now...I meant like waaaay in the future), and I don't know, being a millionaire!  lol.  That would be nice.  Oh, but while I mention that, Justin and I spent some time dreaming about homes that we would love to live in.  Just check out:  You will fall in love with at least one house, if not several.  Be careful.  It's addicting.  :)  Anyway, it's time to turn in now.  I have to get up and work out.  Goodnight world!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

So...I know it's a little late, but there are some excellent reasons as to why this post is so late (I mainly blame the hotel craziness of New Years' Eve and Day, but I won't divulge further.).  New Years is an excellent time to look at how far we've come during the previous year and set some goals for the future.  I'm sure a few of you (well hopefully a few b/c I don't know who reads this really) remember last January, I made a few resolutions for the year.  Throughout the year I tried to post resolution checks so someone, whoever is out there reading, would keep me somewhat accountable for my resolutions.  So...last resolution check for 2010...

1.) Try not to get upset when life has a few unexpected bumps.   Well, I think over the course of the year, I have done much better in comparison to other years.  I did have a little bump in the road around October, but I think we have gotten past it...well I think.  I guess we will see after having a few more conversations in the upcoming week.  

2.) Realize that plan b or c or d may work out for the best. I could say that this has been the resolution with some pretty hard core evidence that I have accepted this resolution.  I am currently in graduate school for Business Administration and I absolutely love it!  There are some other minor plans that have changed, but I'm just rolling with the punches (definitely last night included).  Look here 2 for 2!  I say that's pretty good so far for New Year's resolutions.

3.) Lose at least 35 lbs. before graduation by eating better and exercising.  Ok.  Epic Fail!  If anything, I've gained weight this year.  I blame it on the stress...and I guess me being lazy...and yea.  Maybe in 2011.  :/

4.) Make all A's this semester. Almost, all B's, but for not having any business classes previously, I think that's pretty good.  Also, I have applied much of what I have learned in my classes to my job, which has been awesome.

5.) Take more pictures.  Pretty sure that none of you would like pictures of that.  Seems to be my life right now.  Now I did take several pictures on the Philippines trip and some other occasions.  They are probably on Facebook.  So...I will say that I did take more pictures...ok I will give myself half credit.  So what's our tally...2.5 out of 5...well that's still half!

6.) Call my parents more often. Oooo.  This is a tough one to determine.  I'm going to say maybe another half credit.  My mom would say, "No, no, no.  I never get to talk with her!  She's a complete stranger!"  I kid, I kid...kinda.  It's kinda interesting.  I PROMISE to do better this year, I promise! 

7.) Send birthday cards.Another one of those epic fails!  I even failed at this on Facebook, and it reminds me who has a birthday!  Ok.  I will send birthday cards or e-cards next year.  hopefully.

8.) Have more laughs and smiles than "grr" moments.  Definite Check, thanks to family, friends, and an awesome set of co-workers!

9.) Save some money. Ok.  This one I kinda cheated.  Well the first 6 months, Ryan and I saved quite a bit of money, but we blew it on the Philippines trip.  But!...I recently received a generous gift for Christmas from my Grandmama's Legacy fund.  I am happy and proud to say that I have put all of that money in a savings account and will not be touched until I am ready to buy my wedding dress.  (Yes, I already have a few items budgeted for that one day eventually, and thanks to Grandmama I will be able to buy the wedding dress that I have budgeted for.)  So...check.

10.) Blog more.  Well readers, you be the judge.  Ok...well, I'm counting this as a check.

Ok.  Drum roll please!  That's  6 out of 10!  :)  I think that's pretty good for keeping New Year's resolutions.  Now for this year's list.

New Year's Resolutions 2011:

1. Keep up the good work on all of the successful New Year's Resolutions from 2010.  This includes: saving money, "rolling with the punches", laughing and smiling more, etc.
2. Don't let too many things go to the back burner.  Keep making progress on dwindling down the to-do lists.  This includes big things like making that doctor's appointment (see I remembered, Mom) to small things like making sure that our living room is vacuumed.  I know cleaning definitely went on the back burner in the past 6 months (If you don't know me very well, let me just tell you I'm kinda OCD, but you would not be able to tell from my house!)
3. Become a healthier me.  I figured instead of a very specific resolution like lose 35 lbs or workout 7 times a week, etc.  I'm just going to say healthier.  Ryan and I are going to start eating healthier (starting Monday because today was kinda a bust with all the craziness at work).  I bought the EA Active 2 Workout game & Just Dance 2 for the Wii so hopefully I can get back into the exercising routine.  Nate, one of my co-workers, also said he would come workout with me at the CPA sometime because exercising is one of his resolutions.  (Ha!  Now it's publicly known so we both need to be accountable!)
4. Call my parents more and visit more than just holidays.  For 2010, I only received a half point, but this year I am going to do better.  Mom, this means we probably need to set a time that we talk because before it was 10PM my time (which I work now during that time). 
5. Send cards.  I love sending cards.  One thing that I truly appreciated when Grandmama and Ate Jean sent me notes throughout the year, even if it was just to say "Thinking of You".  I have to do better.  Lots of their cards touched not only me, but others.  So, let me keep with the legacy.  January birthdays, check your e-mails and/or your mailboxes.  You should receive something from me.  At the least, a Happy Birthday on Facebook.
6.Quit smoking...Ha!  Got ya.  No, I do not smoke, however, a particular co-worker of mine (cough::Justin::cough) is going to quit starting yesterday.  I have been a horrible support of the last couple of times that he has tried to quit, so this time I will be super supportive.  If needed, I will use tough love!  (Be ready, Justin!)  So, if you have quit before or have supported someone who has quit, please give me tips!  Ok...homework assignment to my readers: What is your favorite motivational/inspirational quote?  Your answers may help me be a better supporter!
7.Go to church more often.  I need to make time in the busy schedule for God.  I used to be very active in church, but now with school, work, sleep (see a trend of my life?).  Definitely a must.  People, hold me accountable for this!!!
8.Go Camping!  So Ryan and I have all this camping stuff and we have never used it (Relay for Life does not count!).  So, sometime this year, even if it is just once, we are going camping.
9. Finish my craft projects.  So I have been working on several knitting projects since the summer (Sorry, Alex.  I will have your scarf made sometime before next fall!)  I also have told myself that I was going to learn how to sew.  I received my Grandmama's sewing machine and I really want to learn.  My first project: place mats for the dinner table.  According to a "how-to sewing" book, place mats are the easiest to start learning.  Hopefully I don't botch it. 
10. Continue to blog about life.  I know that sometimes I feel like my life is so boring since it's mostly school, work, and sleep, but I would hope that someone out there is still reading and wanting to know more about what's going on in life.  :)  Plus, it's a nice little way to document life's little changes, miracles, surprises, etc. 

All right.  There we go.  Set up for the New Year 2011!  I'm ready.  Any suggestions, comments, questions, please comment on my post (or for my Facebook readers, like my note so I know you're reading).