Wedding Countdown

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 0

I said that I would probably get a chance to blog before I started my spring break trip.  Anyway, Day 0.  I can’t really call it Day 1 because that would assume that I have already started my break.  I currently, at 9:36 PM, am on a plane on the way to Tampa.  Today I worked a 7 to 3 shift and took a short nap before Ryan and I were taken to the airport by a great friend.
According to the Allegiant flight attendant we will land in approximately and hour and twenty minutes from now.  Hopefully we will land earlier or the flight will seem pretty quick because I know that I am very tired and would really like just to crawl up in a warm bed before driving to Miami tomorrow.
So, a little bit about the trip so far.  ;)  I know, how can I already have something to say about a trip that I just started at 6:30 this evening when I left my house?  By the way, Butch is being taken care of at home by Amber until Tuesday evening and Zack and Cori until we get back, so even though Ryan and I will miss him terribly he will be well taken care of.  Anyway, it was just interesting going through the airport.  I’m sure many of you having been through the Tri-Cities airport.  It is nothing like any airport that most people travel through.  As I constantly tell guests at the hotel, it really is only necessary to be at the airport an hour before the flight is expected to depart because there are only 7 gates and going through security is a breeze, unless you are traveling on Allegiant (of which we are) then you need to be there 2 hours in advance.
It was busier tonight than I was expecting, especially for Sunday.  The airport is a great place to people watch.  At our gate there were several different people.  I know that on our flight the ETSU tennis team is joining us.  I have met the coach several times, but I don’t think he recognized me.  It’s probably the street clothes.  Lots of people that I have met at the hotel don’t recognize me if I’m not in my monkey suit, yes, I call it a monkey suit. ;)  Anyway, there was a family of at least 3 if not four generations.  The youngest was a little rowdy but nothing like the two children that my co-worker and I witnessed throwing a huge fit right before they were supposed to walk in a wedding last night.  They were funny.  I saw an old co-worker from the Student Health Clinic getting ready to spend Spring Break in Florida.  She and her friends looked very excited.  I’m assuming that most of these passengers are getting ready for Spring Break; at least because they all look eager to go and they are around my age. 
So, as I retire to playing Solitaire for the next several minutes, I leave you with the travel tip of the day: Don’t expect airport food to be any good, especially at a small airport.  Dinner for me: Cheetos.  So far this diet of mine is looking grim for the week.  Goodnight, probably blog tomorrow!
P.S.  I’m going to try to be one of those stereotypical Asian and carry my camera around and take pictures of everything, so enjoy these from the plane!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

This one's going to be a doozy!

Ok.  So it's been two whole weeks since I blogged last. Well, let's just say today I'm in a blogging mood.  Ever since I watched Julie and Julia (awesome movie to watch on a full stomach might I add), I have wanted to blog something.  This is my first opportunity to blog because I've been so busy!!!  Anyway, I think it is really awesome that a blog had that much impact.  I hope someone is reading my blog out there.  I mean I know my mom does, but is there anyone else?  This blog is for everyone.  Anyway, I'm ranting.

So I was thinking earlier this morning that I'm going to have to change the name of my blog soon.  I'm thinking "Life of the College Graduate".  Maybe something else not so generic.  I don't know.  I guess it will depend on where life takes me at this point.  Hopefully I will know soon where I might be.  Ryan and I are just waiting on a letter.  A simple letter.  Not an email.  I, on the other hand, am waiting on a phone call, but that's a blog for later.

So, these past couple of weeks have been very busy.  School, work, Phi Sigma Pi (when we meet), Relay for Life, friends.  Ah!  So much to do and not enough time.  I'm kidding.  I'm managing pretty well.  I've been down a little bit that past couple of days, but I, with the advice of a great friend, dressed up a little bit.  Well, I guess if you can count doing my hair, making my make-up look a little better and putting on a new necklace counts as dressing up.  Ryan and Butch helped start the day great too!  Today is a good day.  Busy day, but a good day. 

Ok.  Let's see what to update on other than my resolution check.  Well school...Well school is school.  We had a snow day last week.  That was nice.  Other than that it's just school.  Work.  Can I just say I love my job?  Listen (well I guess read) to this.  The Carnegie Hotel is sponsoring the Relay for Life team that I am co-captain of!  (Yes, I just ended a sentence with a preposition, but according to Mark, I can do that.)  Anyway, this is great!  Ted and Meredith and the owners and pretty much everyone helping cannot possibly imagine how grateful I am for this sponsorship.  It takes a lot of weight off of my shoulders.  Anyway, there will be more information about Relay for Life soon.  Some of you will get letters.  Most of you will get e-mails.  I will definitely blog about it, so be checking your mailboxes (that is physical and virtual).  Phi Sigma Pi is rolling along.  We've had a couple canceled meetings, so not a whole lot of new news.  I have met several of the Delta Initiate class.  They are going to be a good class.  I'm really excited about them.  I have my last little of my Phi Sigma Pi experience (unless our Chapter decides to do Alumni Big Brothers, who knows).  She's very enthusiastic and I'm very excited to have her as my little. 

Well, there's not much left to say now...Spring Break is next week!  I might be able to slip in a blog before then, most likely after then.  I'm sure it's going to be awesome!  I can't wait.  So now...

Resolution Check!
(My resolutions are in purple.)
1.) Try not to get upset when life has a few unexpected bumps. Ok.  I've done poorly on this the past couple of days, but I'm turning a new leaf.  Today is a new day.  The past is the past, well at least that is what everyone is telling.  I decided to let go of a few things today, so hopefully I can get back on track with this resolution.
2.) Realize that plan b or c or d may work out for the best.  Ok.  Honestly, I can't really comment on this one yet.  Hopefully the next blog I can.
3.) Lose at least 35 lbs. before graduation by eating better and exercising. Congratulations to me because I have already lost 10 lbs in the past two weeks.  I have definitely been eating better.  Last week was a struggle because it was so busy, but only 1 major disaster (stupid chocolate cake that makes me feel some much better).  The first week of my diet I worked out every day on the Wii fit.  This past week not so much.  Tomorrow, I will start working out on it everyday again.  Hopefully that works!
4.) Make all A's this semester.  The new laptop should help with that.  Let's see.  Philosophy of Art-well no assignments turned in yet.  Animal Physiology-solid B right now, maybe even a B+.  Vertebrate Embryology- B+ (I have a lab test this week!  Maybe I can bring that up a little more.)  Computers, Technology, and Literature-well no grades yet, but definitely A work. ;)  Ok so I need to do a little bit better.  Let's see how I do.
5.) Take more pictures.  I finally have another great camera so hopefully these posts will contain more photos. I'm doing bad on this. I've packed my camera so many times, but yet.  It hasn't been used too much.  :/  Maybe Spring Break will provide some more opportunities.
6.) Call my parents more often.  Since I've started work at the hotel I haven't been able to call every night, sometime just once a week, but with my new phone I will be a little more inclined to call even when it is late. I think that I'm doing better.  I call every time that I don't have to work until 11.  I need to add Christie into this resolution.  We definitely need to talk more than the once a month that we've been doing. 
7.) Send birthday cards.  I used to send them all the time, but I lost the list with everyone's birthdays.  Now that I have the list again so maybe I can keep it up. 
Ok.  bad.  Well no I don't say that!  I sent out Valentine's Day cards!  There haven't been any birthdays since my last resolution check except for my mom and she got a "card" in her present on the front page.  That so counts.
8.) Have more laughs and smiles than "grr" moments.
I'm at equilibrium.  (I'm a Biology major I'm allowed to use this word.)  But today is a good day so hopefully more laughs and smiles.
9.) Save some money.  (I tend to spend my paycheck in the week that I have it instead of saving it.)  I've already started my $5 fund (ask me about it if interested). 
:/  No more money.  Dieting is expensive.  But the good news is that I am one payment away from owning my washer and dryer! ;) 
10.) Blog more.  This one everyone who reads this can poke at me to keep this resolution.  Seriously, bug me if you haven't seen a blog in a while.
Well, what do you guys think? ;)

Well that's it for now.  Sorry for the long post.  Just had blogging on the brain today.  How do ya like the new background?  Anyway, I hope everyone has a fantabulous week! Blog later! ;)