When is the last time you said thank you? I mean really think. When did you say thank you and honestly meant it? Or was the last time you said thank you was because you felt guilty? Did you say thank you because everyone else was doing it?
Over the course of the past semester I have, along with several others, worked hard. Poured my heart and soul into a lot of things. Some may think that I do things to make myself feel better. Some think that I do it to receive praise. Some think that I do things irrationally. But most of the time, I do things because I care, not about myself but about others. That may seem a little conceited, but it's true. I love helping people. I love making people smile and give people the opportunity to have fun. I grew up in a family who always planned fun things and always did things for my benefit, either for me to learn, to give to my community, or to bond with those that surrounded me.
However, there is one small part of my experience from this semester that aches my heart. I've seen hard work gone without a single thank you. I've seen people put their sweat and tears into planning things or doing things for others and yet they receive no gratitude whatsoever. I, myself, have experienced it. Have I heard thank you in the past few weeks? Yes, I have; however it is from those who don't have to say thank you because they show their gratitude. Remember, actions speak louder than words. I have also heard thank you from those who felt guilty about maybe hurting my feelings, which I don't truly find sincere.
Why am I writing this? Well, two reasons. First, I almost made a terrible mistake. I was very upset about some things and I had decided that I would step down as team captain for my Relay for Life team. I figured why plan something that I truly care about to get my heart broken by those who don't simply say thank you for anything, big or small. I had my mind made up. I told my closest friends and my mom. I was going to quit. Then, yesterday I received a beautiful letter than touched my heart and made me cry. It was from my wonderful grandmother. She thanked me and told me how proud she was of me for being a team captain in memory of Paw-Paw, my grandfather who died of cancer when I was 9. I realized that I was so upset that I lost sight of why I was relaying. Needless to say, I am still team captain of my Relay team. I have turned a new leaf and have found new excitement in planning Relay this year. I'm not going to let anyone stop me from having the best time and the best Relay for Life team.
Secondly, I am writing this to make people aware. I want to make people aware that a simple thanks will do. Just a thank you for making dinner. Thank you for worrying about me. Thank you for spending so much time trying to fix something that went wrong. Thank you for caring. Not a thank you because I screwed up and I feel like I have to say thanks. Not a thanks with a tone of a 5 year old telling their parents sorry for disobeying, but a thank you. If that's too much to say, then show it. Give someone a hug. Wash the dishes. Smile. Spend time with the one who you want to thank. Anything. Just remember, a simple thanks goes a long way.
To all who read this, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. Thank you all who have truly appreciated me and thank you for being my driving force.