Hello world!
Ok. Many of you know that this week has been horrible in terms of health. At the beginning of the month, I had some problems with my heart and respiratory rate at work. I got off work early and went to an urgent care clinic. I was then referred to a doctor. The doctor told me that he wanted to monitor my heart, so he put me on a 30-day event monitor. Every time I had an episode I could press a button and it would record my heart rate that could be sent to the doctor.
Last Sunday, I was at work and was doing fine. Around 3, I started feeling a little dizzy. After cleaning a patient (around 3:30), I decided to press the heart monitor button and send it to the doctor. I was sitting down as I did this. I was very dizzy and had a hard time breathing. Instead of gettting back to work after sending my heart reading, I continued to sit on one of those doctor's rolling stools. My co-worker, Jessi, kept walking by making sure I didn't need anything. Around 4, she told me to call Ryan because I was extremely flushed and she was worried about me. She also wanted to roll me to the nurses' station so the clerical could keep an eye on me until Ryan got to the hospital. Jessi continued down the hall to finish my vitals that I have not gotten for 4 o'clock and sent a nurse to come check on me. The nurse tried to roll me to the nurses' station when I passed out in her arms. They immediately called rapid responders and took my vitals. My BP was 150/98, heart rate 110, blood sugar 90, sat rate lower 90s, and respiratory rate was up in the 40s. Once rapid responders got there, they put me on oxygen (they had to, I mean I was working on the pulmonary floor of the hospital) and go me on a stretcher. They took me to the ER. When I got there, they cut my scrub top (including the wires to my event monitor), got an EKG, and got several vials of blood.
What was really nerve racking for me was the fact that Ryan was on the way and had no idea what had just happen. I knew the nurse had called my mom and probably said something completely ridiculous. And in the back of my mind was what were the patients and patients' families thinking when they saw their caregiver rushed off of the floor after a code had been called.
Apparently, the nurse had told my mom over the phone that I was "non-reponsive and that they were working on me". The reaction was Mom and Dad rushing to Johnson City in record time (for them) and Mom calling just about everyone. I knew that this would happen. The correct thing to say was that I was no really in any condition to talk, but that I was ok and Ryan was on the way to the hospital.
After a few hours, the doctor came in and diagnosed me with vertigo. I was discharged shortly after that. Once I got home, I laid on the couch until Mom and Dad got there. The repeated joke was "If you wanted us to come and visit you, all you had to do was ask! You didn't have to go to the ER!" ;) It was nice to see them.
This past week, I have seen my PCP and he has set me up for a tilt-table test to see if it is truly inner-ear that I am dealing with. Also, I saw him a second time this week. I currently am dealing with walking pneumonia. So, this past week has been sitting on the couch, trying to stay caught up with my classes, and sleeping.
I know this is a long post and I'm kinda being a Debbie Downer, but I wanted to blog to let everyone know what the situation was and that I am ok, just sick. Thank you for all of the prayers! Keep praying. Hopefully I will be back with a better update.
Stay healthy!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The past two weeks...
I have a day off today (well, I don't have any classes), so I am writing a blog since my mom seems to be keeping up with hers better than I have and she's had it for maybe a week. lol.
The past two weeks have been great! I've been pretty tired, but they have been good weeks. The week before school started I was doing Preview stuff. (For those of you who don't know what Preview is, it is a weekend event for incoming freshman to get to know the campus and students a little bit more before their first day of classes.) Monday started training. Thursday was the first day of Preview. I had so much fun at both the training and Preview. I had an awesome co-leader, Shawn Stewart!, and a great group of students. It was a lot of fun. Shawn and I dressed up at a blue and gold Thing 1 and Thing 2. We had so much fun! Some of my favorite events (as a whole group) were Jeff Dye's act and the hypnotist. Jeff Dye was pretty funny. He had a lot of great jokes. The hypnotist was great as usual. I was so close to being completely hypnotized. Apparently, I was out for a while. I was sitting in my chair and when I opened my eyes everyone was staring at me. I was like, "oh no. What did I just do?" Everyone told me that he had asked those that were hypnotized to raise their arm up and supposedly my arm shot up. My Co was so scared. lol. He was sitting next to me, but when I opened my eyes, he was about five seats down. ;) The whole event was so much fun! Oh and Shawn got Mr. Preview 2008. I was very lucky to have such a great co-leader and group my first year. I have pictures posted on my College Shutterfly if you want to see. I can't wait to do it again next year. Wednesday is going to be our Preview group reunion. I should have another post and pictures up. ;)

The first week of school was pretty nice. I have it scheduled so I only have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I work at my APS job on those mornings and on Thursday mornings. It's a little bit difficult because I do not have a break in between my classes, so i always have to eat on the run or just run to class. I'm enjoying all of my classes, except for Public Speaking. I guess I've had so much experience holding group meetings and such that this class bores me to no end! It also doesn't help that our professor is a grad student who teaches us like we are in elementary school. Oh well. My favorite classes so far are my history classes (Ancient Greece and Christianity) with Dr. Burgess. He is such an awesome teacher. Yes, I'm a loser, and bought all of the books because he has made me interested in both topics. I actually pretty excited about the papers due in those classes.
This week is going to be pretty busy. I have some work stuff (mandatory staff meeting) and club stuff to do. Also, Skye, our regional consultant for our chapter of Phi Sigma Pi, is staying with Elizabeth and I for the week, so I really should be cleaning now, to visit our chapter. I am so excited about Rush in about 2 weeks! ;)
Three random things:
1.) Went to the rheumatologist last week. He believes that I am doing well. There haven't been any problems recently (except for one finger that has been giving me problems, but he is just keeping an eye on it). He's really a great doctor. I felt like he truly cared about me as a patient. Hopefully I can wean myself off of my medicine soon.
2.) Work is boring. ;)
3.) I'm going back on my diet again. This past summer was pretty much junk food city. I excited though. I started on Sunday. If I can get through these next two weeks, Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet, then I will be set! I have also gotten a plan for working out at the CPA doing yoga, "Girls Night Out", and boxing again. I'm pretty excited.
I guess that is it for right now. Hope everyone has a great week!
The past two weeks have been great! I've been pretty tired, but they have been good weeks. The week before school started I was doing Preview stuff. (For those of you who don't know what Preview is, it is a weekend event for incoming freshman to get to know the campus and students a little bit more before their first day of classes.) Monday started training. Thursday was the first day of Preview. I had so much fun at both the training and Preview. I had an awesome co-leader, Shawn Stewart!, and a great group of students. It was a lot of fun. Shawn and I dressed up at a blue and gold Thing 1 and Thing 2. We had so much fun! Some of my favorite events (as a whole group) were Jeff Dye's act and the hypnotist. Jeff Dye was pretty funny. He had a lot of great jokes. The hypnotist was great as usual. I was so close to being completely hypnotized. Apparently, I was out for a while. I was sitting in my chair and when I opened my eyes everyone was staring at me. I was like, "oh no. What did I just do?" Everyone told me that he had asked those that were hypnotized to raise their arm up and supposedly my arm shot up. My Co was so scared. lol. He was sitting next to me, but when I opened my eyes, he was about five seats down. ;) The whole event was so much fun! Oh and Shawn got Mr. Preview 2008. I was very lucky to have such a great co-leader and group my first year. I have pictures posted on my College Shutterfly if you want to see. I can't wait to do it again next year. Wednesday is going to be our Preview group reunion. I should have another post and pictures up. ;)
The first week of school was pretty nice. I have it scheduled so I only have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I work at my APS job on those mornings and on Thursday mornings. It's a little bit difficult because I do not have a break in between my classes, so i always have to eat on the run or just run to class. I'm enjoying all of my classes, except for Public Speaking. I guess I've had so much experience holding group meetings and such that this class bores me to no end! It also doesn't help that our professor is a grad student who teaches us like we are in elementary school. Oh well. My favorite classes so far are my history classes (Ancient Greece and Christianity) with Dr. Burgess. He is such an awesome teacher. Yes, I'm a loser, and bought all of the books because he has made me interested in both topics. I actually pretty excited about the papers due in those classes.
This week is going to be pretty busy. I have some work stuff (mandatory staff meeting) and club stuff to do. Also, Skye, our regional consultant for our chapter of Phi Sigma Pi, is staying with Elizabeth and I for the week, so I really should be cleaning now, to visit our chapter. I am so excited about Rush in about 2 weeks! ;)
Three random things:
1.) Went to the rheumatologist last week. He believes that I am doing well. There haven't been any problems recently (except for one finger that has been giving me problems, but he is just keeping an eye on it). He's really a great doctor. I felt like he truly cared about me as a patient. Hopefully I can wean myself off of my medicine soon.
2.) Work is boring. ;)
3.) I'm going back on my diet again. This past summer was pretty much junk food city. I excited though. I started on Sunday. If I can get through these next two weeks, Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet, then I will be set! I have also gotten a plan for working out at the CPA doing yoga, "Girls Night Out", and boxing again. I'm pretty excited.
I guess that is it for right now. Hope everyone has a great week!
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