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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My classes

Sorry I missed a couple of days in blogging. ;) Anyway, yesterday was my first day of classes. It was very exciting. I found that I'm going to LOVE World History. The teacher is great and it's something i enjoy learning. Let's see.'ll be easy, especially after having Ms. Norris last year. Calculus II is going to take some work. Let's just say it's like...well...nevermind. ;) Moving on. I had Chemistry lecture this morning. It was ok. Everything I was expecting it to be. Right now I'm waiting for Ryan to get out of Chemistry so we can go eat lunch. My next class isn't until 2:05. I have long periods of time to waste, oh, excuse me, do homework and study, between my classes on Tuesday. It's nice. I like it.

Sunday night I finally felt a strong sense of homesickness and of all places, it hit me at Sonic. lol. I'm ok now. I talked it out with Ryan after I talked with my parents. I really miss me family. I guess if I stay busy it won't be so bad. I'll just have to see.

I guess I'm going to get started on some homework of some kind. Blog later!

Love you all,

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Leprechauns seemed to be the theme of today. Well, I am in Preview Group 7, so we are "Lucky to be Group 7!". We had to perform a skit for everyone participating in Preview, so our group decided a leprechaun college reunion (that was the setting that they gave us). We had so much fun! There were a lot of people who didn't show up, but our little group was awesome! I now feel like I fit. I fit in college! I know a lot more people, closer anyway, than I thought I would in the first couple of days at ETSU. I'm starting to feel a little homesick though. I tried to call Mom, Dad, and Christie, but I had to get off the phone so early. I felt so bad because I really wanted to talk to them but there were so many activities planned that I needed to go to. So if they are reading this, I just want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't be as busy as I was today or yesterday.

I wonder how tomorrow will be like. We have nothing planned. I take that back. group 7 is planning on taking a tour around campus to find our classes so we don't look like freshmen on Monday looking at the sky as Allie said. Maybe I'll go to Walmart. I think Ryan and I are going to work out. yay! Well, It's extremely late, well, early, so I'm going to bed because I can sleep in today! Yay!!!! I will write more tomorrow.

Love you all,

P.S. Anyone can leave me comments, so please do so I know somebody is reading this blog. ;)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

My First Full Day

Today was such a busy day. My roommate and I had to wake up at 7:30 this morning and this has been the first time I've been able to go to my dorm room. We had a very busy day. We went to a couple of sessions, one on diversity and communication, and the other was a session with a professor. The professor that our group got reminded me a lot of Mr. Aihie, which is very good. Hopefully, most of my teachers are similiar to him. Later tonight we got ot watch a hypnotist. If you've ever been to something like that at a fair, it doesn't even compare to this guy. He was absolutely amazing! It was so much fun and it was very funny. Ryan and I finally got a chance to hang out. Yesterday it was a Hi and Bye sorta thing because our preview leaders kept us apart, but today was great. We found the local hang out place for the week, Walmart. I actually figured out how to get there without getting on I-26. It was so exciting.

Well, I finally bought a cheap memory stick so I can upload pictures (i needed an adapter for my pro duo), so I have pictures on shutterfly. Let me know if you want to see them and you haven't gotten an email yet.

Well, I'm pooped, so I'm going to bed now. I don't have such an early start tomorrow morning, but I need my beauty sleep.

I miss you guys. Love ya! Hope to here from you soon!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

College Time!

I'm in my new dorm right now. It took forever to unpack my stuff, but it's all unpacked and arranged the way that Hannah and I want it. I love my room. It's so colorful and spacious surprisingly. We had to laugh because Hannah and my stuff all match. We coordinated, but now that much! ;) Well, saying good bye was really tough. I can't even describe it. It still hasn't hit me that my parents are not with me. I know it will though. This weekend we have this preview. School starts on monday. Preview is ok for meeting new people, but other than that it's a little boring, but I'm still having fun. Well, I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to try out my new bed. Hopefully I'll get some good sleep. More tomorrow!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

My First Blog

Hello everyone!

I have to admit, I'm writing this at home right now. I'm not quite at ETSU yet. I leave on Wednesday and I get to move in to Luntsford Apts. on Thursday. I wanted to start a blog like Mellie so anyone can keep up with me while I'm away at college. Feel free to leave me a comment or anything. That would definately make me feel loved! ;) Well, I'm about to go shopping with Auntie Menie, so I will post again, probably on Thursday about how my move went! ;)

Love you all,